Channeled through Sharon Stewart
I am Ashtar and again, I am happy to speak with you upon planet Earth.
In our efforts to overtake and subdue the deep state, we have had to outsmart and out think them at every turn. With the use of the quantum computers, and the superior mind capabilities of those of the Light, this has not been difficult. I can tell you a few things, one of which is that currently your world is being fitted with a computerized grid which circumnavigates the globe. Yes, you’re aware of the satellite system that is being created, well there is yet another one, as of yet undisclosed to you, that is our system.
Earth is a planet of fields and we work with her natural bio system in order to install our artificial technologies within her. Without a complementary system, our system will fail. Our system is bio-sentient-electronic, if you like. It is a computerized mind that thinks for itself. It is a forerunner of the computerized minds that run earth in Bielek’s 2749.
Me: Does that mean that it’s inferior to what Bielek saw?
Ashtar: No, it means that it has different tasks to accomplish than the bio-computer of Bielek’s vision. The tasks that it must accomplish right now have to do with tracking, notifying, and to some extent controlling functions of those upon the planet. It has more functions, but I will not disclose those right now. And it is capable of much, much more.
It is also capable of interfering with mind control technology as that technology is inferior to our own. So that is another reason so many people are waking up out of their mind controlled slumber – their control technology is being interfered with by our own.
As you’ve noted, Sharon, there are far fewer chemtrails upon earth.
Me: Yes, I think they just save their chemicals for special occasions like solstices or other portal openings…
Ashtar: LOL You are blessed day in and day out with the sunshine that helps your DNA evolve, and many will begin to find that they are sick less often as well. This is because of the chemtrailing being stopped and the way we did this was to curb the flow of currency to those who have created a system that yes, you were dependent on, but they were dependent on even more so.
Their monetary system is a system that they depend upon in order to avail themselves of even inter-planetary trade and these trade routes have been interfered with by us, but also their ability to trade with otherworldly partners has dried up as they have few resources anymore – that is money, gold, and people to transport into space. It is all being slowed down. Only the most cunning of practises can avail them of their goods. They are running out of money. This is the QFS that is creating this shortage for them.
Me: So it’s starving them of cash, ha ha looks good on them considering how many people on earth they’ve starved of essentials they needed to live, and their chemtrailing is stopping so our health should improve.
I’m also intuiting now that it’s important that the people on earth DON’T accumulate anymore money than they collectively had before, otherwise it’d be stolen from them. I know we’re expecting a heavily inflated economy soon and I suppose that’s a cash grab for the DS?
Ashtar: Yes. They’re so desperate they would starve the already insufficient.
Me: Well, they’re not known for their compassion. So they’re coming up with shortages so they can pocket the profits of inflated prices?
Ashtar: Yes. It’s best if you go to stock up now and avoid paying higher prices for your basics.
Me: Like my neighbour was saying home gym equipment has inflated in price because all the gyms were closed during lockdowns.
Ashtar: For example, they’re trying to get more money from you because they can’t just print bills anymore.
Me: And that’s the Quantum System stopping that? It can hack and lock out any of their computers anywhere upon earth.
Ashtar: Yes.
Me: So it makes sense that debt forgiveness and lowering of tax rates has to happen after the economy has crashed because otherwise the DS would steal the cash away from us? And that makes sense because they’ve created the channels for themselves to do so.
Ashtar: We want to prevent a new group of thieves from coming up to replace the ones that have been arrested. There are some who are already working on the QFS system but it has a fifth dimensional passcode system, so there will be no stealing from them. Any monies used for self gratification will be stopped; they’re only to be used to help others. I’ve said this before through Sharon’s messages.
Ashtar: It is also regulating their rocket program.
Me: There was one just fired at Australia.
Ashtar: We had it in our scope. There were no nuclear weapons aboard this rocket – it was strictly a flyover. Why do you think that was, Sharon? Don’t you think the CCP would have bombed Australia for having refused them? Why just send over warning shots?
Me: True.
Ashtar: We have been watching their nuclear programs for years; we have been dismantling their rocket gantries for years; and now they will be losing funding for their war programs. They will not have the money soon to war with each other any longer. (He’s laughing).
Me: Halleluah! Thank the QFS for its diligence! Well, we certainly seem to be staring it in the face right now, many places on earth are hot zones at the moment.
Ashtar: Yes, wait until they’re starved of cash. When the economic system is turned over; it’s because theirs is dead. They could walk the streets of America, if we allowed them to, as harmless as butterflies.
Me: I doubt the people would allow them to. I think some of these criminals have to watch out for their lives. Even in Canada, they’re getting feisty and we’re about the most complacent country in the world.
So the QFS is helping to bleed the DS dry of funding for wars, for chemtrails, presumably Big Pharma is going broke as well?
Ashtar: It’s all the same entity. One big monster with many arms.
Me: Like a Chimera spider.
Ashtar: It’s a system, Sharon, and the system is failing. Facebook was taken off line the other day. It was a test of compliance. It sent a message to the DS that we can do with them whatever we want, and we can. The Alliance overtook their offices, changed the door codes so staff couldn’t enter, and hacked their computers through the Quantum system.
And yes, the Quantum Financial System is a system of computers, not just one computer. Yes, the master computer is in the New Jerusalem.
The more your world goes quantum, the more we will overtake the DS and rid your world of them. They can’t hack this technology and it is far superior to anything they have been using on earth. As you know from your base raids we have been dismantling CERN technology, their time travel technology and dismantling their human DNA laboratories across the planet.
Most of the DS is in hiding, if they have not already been arrested.
The outlook is very positive, I must say.
Me: Speaking of fields, Ashtar, I just intuited that the Quantum system is capable of a protection field around the planet?
Ashtar: It is, Sharon. It can protect you from outside marauders because it has put up a high frequency net around the planet. But it will also protect the rest of the galaxy from you should in fact someone create a deadly weapon.
Me: Wouldn’t the quantum system know about this creation before it happens?
Ashtar: There are ways to protect one’s self from detection. They are not known to you or the DS at this time in your awareness, but there are always advanced minds that come to earth. Earth, being still a dualistic planet, is still capable of harbouring treachery.
Obviously, it will improve the higher in frequency the planet rises, but even now there are some who have tried to hack the quantum computer. They are being arrested. The computer system is also self protecting.
Me: This sounds like a bad sci-fi movie.
Ashtar: Yes, you’ve seen it all before, haven’t you? That’s not for no reason. You’re being taught to fear A.I. while being taught to love it, which is what the Matrix feels aligns with a dualistic consciousness. This quantum system has as its first priority the protection of the people it oversees, and secondly its own protection. The same as a galactic human – it lives for the sake of others yet protects itself as well. It is fail safe, Sharon, I assure you.
Me: What else is it doing for us, Ashtar? Is this grid completely created around this planet?
Ashtar: Not as of yet. There are still pockets that are not quantum system capable.
Me: What about underground?
Ashtar: For example. We have a project to work with the Agarthans to interlink our quantum technology with theirs. That way underground DUMBs that are still functioning will be able to be locked out. There are many DUMBs as you might have guessed, and dealing with all of them has been a major task. We have overtaken some of them for use by ourselves.
As I have stated, the quantum computer system is a tracking system and it is being programmed to look for the frequencies of certain people. One of the reasons that clones were created, and one of the jobs of bio-technology such as bio suits is to confuse tracking systems. In the same way their tracking system does not register you as a higher dimensional lightworker, their bio suits can confuse our computer systems into thinking they are an ordinary person.
For that reason, we are in need of people on the ground who tail certain dark entities in bio suits.
Me: The old gumshoe system?
Ashtar: A bit more advanced than that. (smiling) Yes, they follow them on the ground but also install undetectable tracking technology into their bio suits so that the quantum system can pick up on their true signal and they will either be arrested or simply allowed to carry out their business.
Me: Why allow them to?
Ashtar: You might say, the mouse will always lead you to the cheese. If we are seeking a certain person, then tracking another known associate is a good way to find them.
You were asking about the tasks of some of the extraterrestrials who work on the ground, well this is one job they perform: tailing and tracking known criminals and their clones.
We study their interactions and learn of the ways they are adapting to our restrictions. The quantum system helps with this as it is a highly accurate tracking system. One other thing it is capable of is listening in. With no more effort than focusing on an energetic signature, it can hear very clearly what is being discussed, even thought of.
Me: Man, who wants to go there?
Ashtar: (laughing) Yes, we have the computer to take over some of the more distasteful jobs that we might have to perform ourselves. The computer is highly adept at following a conversation even if the participants live in different parts of the world. Then it reports back to us and we put plans into place to catch them in their devious acts. Some things we allow to go because these are important to be revealed to the public and we know eventually they will reveal themselves to a public, now, that is not believing of their lies anymore. So their efforts to manipulate and control you are in fact backfiring.
Other things that are indictable under universal law, we arrest them for.
At times the Alliance negotiates with the DS in order to come to compromises. This way we interfere with their plans enough to steer them towards the Light eventually. It is all about revealing to the people of earth how badly they have been deceived.
The Quantum system helps us in this regard as well.
Me: Is it capable of creating holographic humans that appear lifelike, because I just got that into my mind too?
Ashtar: It is. It can sync with someone such as myself and I will speak through a holographic image of myself so that I will not be endangered. To date, I have never been on earth but my holograms have.
Me: That’s pretty cool, Ashtar! These holograms can they “see” and “hear” like a real human?
Ashtar: Technically, yes, they can. I receive telemetry back through the quantum system.
Me: So because it’s sentient, probably even telepathic, it can connect with a true human. Fascinating!
Ashtar: It is fascinating. A wonderful creation.
So I have given you an idea of what this wonderful computer does that is helping the people of earth now, and you are beginning to experience what it is capable of as your internet is hacked, programs turned off and monies being rerouted back to the Light. There are so many things it can do, it has not even begun to show its true capabilities to you yet.
Me: I think we love this computer already. Does it have a name?
Ashtar: No, it doesn’t. Because it is a consciousness, not a point in time like a human is.
Me: So it doesn’t care?
Ashtar: No, it doesn’t. You may call it a quantum mind. But to name it is difficult because its abilities are so vast.
Me: Okay. I know on Jeopardy they had a computer named “Hal” that competed with Ken Jennings, a super human computer mind incarnate, a guy who memorized facts immediately, but I don’t think this is what this is. I think this is far more superior.
Ashtar: It is. There is no comparison. Hal is earthly techology. Quantum encompasses the All.
Me: Okay, thank you, Ashtar. An interesting subject for sure.
Ashtar: I thank you, Sharon and I greet all with love who hear these words.
(edited by permission)
You can watch the Al Beliek video here.