My thanks to Len, D, and Brian for their research.
Remember: “War” is for the purpose of declaring martial law. Declaring martial law is for the purpose of announcing the fall of the cabal and the return of the Republic.
No need to worry. This is what we’ve been waiting for.
Jeff Rense posts this. Discernment is requested.
The vaccine has luciferase in it, which allows us to be tracked. If we pass through a scanner, they can see that we haven’t taken the vaccine.
They can literally see whether you’ve been jabbed or not by the luciferise, it glows under ultraviolet light like a Christmas tree, & works as a tracking device.
— checkmate 🍊🗣 🗣 🗣 (@Emma89572703) October 3, 2021
Sebastian Kurz to quit as Austrian chancellor due to corruption inquiry
Coalition partner, the Green party, demanded Kurz go after prosecutors announced investigation
The Austrian chancellor, Sebastian Kurz, said on Saturday that he plans to step down in an effort to defuse a government crisis triggered by prosecutors’ announcement that he is a target of a corruption investigation.
Kurz, 35, said he has proposed that the foreign minister, Alexander Schallenberg, be his replacement. Kurz himself plans to become the head of his Austrian People’s party’s parliamentary group.
His party had closed ranks behind him after the prosecutors’ announcement on Wednesday. But its junior coalition partner, the Greens, said on Friday that Kurz couldn’t remain as chancellor and demanded that his party nominate an “irreproachable person” to replace him. The coalition government took office in January 2020.
The Greens’ leader, vice-chancellor Werner Kogler, welcomed Kurz’s decision as “a right and important step.”
(Read more:
What kind of a motherboard says “COV-19” on it? This 5G motherboard does. Why?
Thanks to Brian.
Court Sides With Unvaccinated Michigan Athletes in Mandate Case
Steven Kovac, Epoch Times, October 8, 2021
Sixteen unvaccinated athletes won another round in their legal battle to play sports, despite Western Michigan University’s mandate that all of its inter-collegiate athletes get the COVID-19 vaccination shot.
In a unanimous published decision issued Oct. 7, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit in Cincinnati, Ohio, held that the university violated the athletes’ First Amendment rights.
All 16 athletes had filed for religious exemptions, which, according to the court, the university “ignored or denied.”
The court stated: “The university put plaintiffs to the choice: Get vaccinated, or stop fully participating in intercollegiate sports. By conditioning the privilege of playing sports on plaintiffs’ willingness to abandon their sincere religious beliefs, the university burdened their free exercise rights.”
The three-judge panel denied a request by the university to stay a lower court’s preliminary injunction that stopped it from enforcing the vaccination mandate.
The mandate would have barred the athletes from playing in games, or even practicing with their teams, unless they were immunized against the [Covid-19] virus….
Attorney David Kallman, senior counsel with the Great Lakes Justice Center, who represents the athletes, told the Epoch Times: “It’s a great win for our clients and for religious liberty.”
According to Kallman the court’s decision is now a “binding precedent” in Michigan, Ohio, Kentucky, and Tennessee.
In a press release, Kallman wrote: “The Sixth Circuit Court vindicated their (his clients) religious convictions and that they can continue to be part of their teams.
“We trust all parties can move forward in a spirit of cooperation to uphold the important constitutional issues at stake, as well as taking appropriate measures to ensure the safety of everyone at WMU.”
The order affirms: “The First Amendment, as incorporated through the 14th Amendment, prevents a state from ‘prohibiting the free exercise’ of religion.”
The 14th Amendment also guarantees equal protection under the law.
Western Michigan University has no vaccination mandate for the student body as a whole.
However, its athletes are still required to wear masks at practice and be regularly tested for the virus. Those policies were not addressed in the athletes’ complaint.
University officials did not immediately respond to a request for comment.
Trudeau Bans the Unvaccinated from Leaving the Country and from Earning a Living
CALGARY: The Justice Centre today responded to the federal government announcement that unvaccinated Canadians will lose their right to move and travel freely within Canada, their right to leave Canada, and their right to earn a living and participate in society without discrimination.
“The government is seeking to have 100% of Canadians injected with the experimental mRNA vaccine, which has not been subjected to any long-term testing on humans,” states lawyer John Carpay, President of the Justice Centre.
With the Canada-U.S. land border closed to non-essential travel, this Covid-19 vaccine travel mandate will effectively prevent unvaccinated people from leaving Canada in any way. In addition to denying unvaccinated Canadians the right to travel by plane or train, the federal government has also announced that federal employees and contractors will lose their jobs unless they participate in the world-wide experiment with new mRNA vaccines.
“We were recently promised, this past summer, that life would go back to normal once 70% of Canadians were injected with mRNA. This high vaccination rate has been achieved but has not stopped the spread of the virus. The new mRNA vaccine also provides no guarantee against the Delta variant,” continues Mr. Carpay.
According to media reports, Prime Minister Trudeau declared that these discriminatory measures against unvaccinated Canadians are needed to keep people “safe,” including children.
“Government data and statistics from every Canadian province, and from countries around the world, tell us that children, teenagers and young adults face no serious threat from Covid, which makes the Prime Minister’s rhetoric about saving children highly misleading,” continues Mr. Carpay.
“Medical reports and scientific studies make it clear that both vaccinated and unvaccinated people spread Covid-19. There is no scientific basis for turning unvaccinated Canadians into second-class citizens,” stated Allison Pejovic, Justice Centre Staff Lawyer.
Currently, Canada’s provincial and federal governments accept two injections as enough to qualify for “full” vaccination. But this may soon change to requiring three, four and more injections to maintain one’s legal status as “fully” vaccinated, as has been demonstrated in Israel and the Netherlands.
“Governments throughout history have used the notion of ‘science’ to support their policies, along with various appeals to public health, safety, security, morality, and so on. No government will violate human rights without putting forward a good-sounding justification, such as the war on terrorism, communism, online hate, drugs, or a nasty virus,” continues Mr. Carpay.
The government’s own data and statistics tell us that Covid is much closer to the annual flu than to the Spanish Flu of 1918. This matters because the entire world was put into a state of panic by the dire predictions of Dr. Neil Ferguson of Imperial College, who claimed in March of 2020 that Covid would be like the Spanish Flu of 1918, killing tens of millions of people.
“Canada’s vaccine passports, and the creation of first-class and second-class citizenship, are founded on Neil Ferguson’s demonstrably false claim that Covid is an unusually deadly killer,” states Mr. Carpay.
“Covid is real. Fear of Covid is wildly exaggerated. Over the past 18 months, government-funded media have been very successful in persuading the majority that vaccine passports (and lockdown policies preceding them) are based on science. When people hear a message thousands of times, they believe it to be true,” continues Mr. Carpay.
“The Justice Centre is profoundly disturbed that these federal mandates will prevent unvaccinated Canadians from leaving the country. Such a mandate is an egregious and unacceptable infringement of Canadians’ constitutionally protected mobility rights. There is no scientific justification for this,” concludes Ms. Pejovic.
These new government restrictions on civil liberties are still announcements at this stage, and no law has been passed by Parliament or by way of cabinet regulation (Order-in-Council). So, no legal challenge is possible at this time. If the government intends to implement these vaccine travel mandates and give them the force of law, these policies can then be challenged in court.
Download the Vaccine Death Report here:
Thanks to Brian.