The wheel of karma
You may ask why I’ve never discussed another person’s karma on the blog.
Let me give my reason.
I believe Jesus once said that we cannot accurately judge with Third-Dimensional eyes. Others have said that our tongues need to have lost their power to wound before we can judge. Same thing.
Before I act as if I can know another person’s karma, my tongue must have lost its power to wound.
Not yet. Working on it.
The situation for us with judging – in this case, another person’s karma – is a little like asking an elephant to jump. It’s not going to jump very high.
Compared to everyone above us, we’re like elephants in these Third-Dimensional jumpsuits we’re wearing … over our real Self. (1) We don’t see from a very high or refined elevation.
We’re dense. We don’t often feel – or connect with – the higher vibrations of love and peace and joy. We’re sluggish compared to what we would be in, say, a Fifth Dimensional outfit (because we won’t escape wearing an outfit).
But now, on the Fifth Dimension, we’re no longer an elephant. By spiritual rather than physical evolution, by the Divine Mother’s hand rather than natural selection, we’ve become a hummingbird.
Now we can flit around the universe, an enhanced universe, not at all like the one we left. Different environments rather than different planets.
The absolute best we could conceive of ever feeling, while on the Third Dimension? Well, now it’s just our everyday reality. No one discusses it. We’re all talking about …. (2)

Karma turns the sacred arc from God to God into a spiritual spiral: we return to the same unlearned lessons lifetime after lifetime. This is what the trajectory would look like looking forward or backward, from the present moment
Judging karma using a Third-Dimensional mind invites seeing things, as Pamela Williams pointed out, in right/wrong, good/bad or polarized terms. (3) Almost all of us do it. Those who don’t, we call saints.
But good/bad, right/wrong tends to miss significant pieces of the puzzle. I say this after having sat on 1500 refugee claims in eight years.
When I “get moral,” I lose sight of where the trail is naturally leading and begin to bend reality to fit my emerging storyline. That’s what’s meant by saying we see things through a filter. We begin to bend the truth to fit our filtered version of it.
And, living in a right/wrong mental world anyways, we justify our version self-servingly out of habit; we protect ourselves; and we can even cover up, as we’re sadly seeing in courtrooms across our countries up to and including the US Supreme Court.
So I know I’m not qualified to discuss another person’s karma. Ask me again when I’m safely on the Fifth, saturated with love, on top of the world and able to see without my wants and needs coloring my perceptions.
Of course by then I won’t have any interest in the matter. And neither will you. Who then will ask the question?
(1) That Light in the seat of the soul, the bottom of the heart.
(2) I’ll lay odds it’ll be how to manifest more of the divine forms of love.
(3) Pamela Williams, “The Body Wants Comfort, the Soul is Freedom: Who are You?”