Thanks to Len.
Unexpected and heartbreaking: Thousands flood ABC affiliate’s Facebook page with vaccination horror stories
WorldTribune Staff, September 13, 2021
An ABC news fishing expedition on Facebook took a startling turn over the weekend, after a reporter asked readers to share stories of loved ones who died of Covid after refusing or delaying to get the vaccine.
Instead, thousands of readers reported of loved ones who died after vaccination and, even worse, from adverse reactions to the vaccine.
On Friday, ABC affiliate WXYZ-TV in Detroit posted:
By noon on Monday, the post had received over 39,000 angry and often heartbreaking responses. Virtually every string contains a firsthand report by people whose family members are grieving the loss of loved ones of all ages.
Typical of many of the responses, one woman wrote poignantly:
Another grieving woman posted:
Another responded:
A would-have-been grandmother reported:
Another had multiple stories to report, and communicated the overwhelming disillusionment with the corporate media overwhelming voiced by posters.
Reports of heart attacks and strokes abound:
Stories of non-lethal injuries also abound:
Representative of many who complained of contracting Covid after the vaccine, one woman reported her own experience of the vaccinated spreading the disease to the unvaccinated:
A registered nurse offered her perspective in response to Libertarian Vice Presidential Candidate Spike Cohen who had chimed in with a wry and highly “liked” comment:
Surprisingly absent are reports of those who died after refusing the vaccine. Instead, the following post can be described as typical:
WorldTribune staff lacked the time to read all 39,000 responses (as of mid-day Sept. 13) before going to press, but there is clearly a treasure trove of valuable information here that merits sifting. Until then, one observer summed up the overwhelming sentiment of the responses and ABC’s failure to attract stories of the dead unvaccinated:
Meanwhile, Gateway Pundit reported on Monday that nearly 4,000 vaccination deaths have been reported to the VAERS system since July 24, an average of 70 per day.
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In June, VAERS reported 6,985 deaths due to the Covid vaccines, the report noted. The number was 11,405 in July. Now it is at 14,701 reported deaths.