I’m posting this to have it on record. It’s an account of a lucid experience with Archangel Michael. I’m not sure of the date, but it’d be after 2011.
I awoke in my sleep to find myself on a space ship. I was in a kind of lounge setting. I was talking to a bunch of people that I felt I knew when suddenly I became aware of a youthful man with a pony tail speaking from behind me.
He was addressing us all and his voice had such a melodic and kindly tone to it that I turned around and gazed at the man. I asked him, “Are you Archangel Michael?” And he said that he was.
Well, that was all I needed. I packed my things and moved to a seat closer to the front of the room, where he was. At one point, as I was listening, two galactic beings walked past me. One came so close before I noticed him that I did not see him.
The second had a very white face and, when he saw me, assumed a surprised expression and said “The formless representative has taken form.” I didn’t have a clue what he was talking about (I have found out since) and I turned back to listen to Archangel Michael again.
Suddenly AAM rose into the air and drifted over top of me and breathed something into my mouth. I drifted into an experience of love and then awoke.
In a subsequent reading, I asked AAM what he had breathed into me and he replied that it was love and that it assisted me to remember the experience.