Credit: independent.co.uk
The very same event can turn out radically differently if the parties’ intentions are different.
For instance, world government under the illuminati would be a disaster for the world at large.
But world government in the Fifth Dimension and higher is a very loose and much more exact arrangement that benefits everyone. (1)
It’s very loose because not as much government is needed and it’s much more exact because our auras and our thoughts are visible so there’s no guesswork and no possibility of manipulation.
I know more about the Fourth Dimension on the Astral Plane than the Fifth. It’s different from our physical Fourth Dimension in that they’re unencumbered by these heavy, dense bodies. Imagine you traded a suit of armor for a gossamer robe. That’s about the difference between the physical and astral bodies.
We haven’t received a lot of reports of what life is like in the Fifth, but we have an ample body of literature on the astral plane. (2)
In the first place there are no national boundaries. There are discrete areas – deserts, seasides, mountains, valleys, and so on. And often the same folks who live in them on Earth live in them on the other side.
There are no fixed dimensional boundaries either. All is energetic. Travelling from one dimension to a higher one could have a person experience enough discomfort that they’d be obliged to turn back. That’s the only “boundary.”
There’s no disease, hunger, or fatigue so much less work for “government” to do. Besides people can create what they need through thought.
Until we’re in the Fifth Dimension, we’ll soon have replicators. After Ascension, there’ll be no need for them.
My impression of almost any higher-dimensional government that I’ve heard of is that it’s conciliar with one person, acknowledged for mastery of the divine states, at its head. I know of one ascended master (I’m not sure I have his permission to name him) who is the head of a council which is two dimensions numerically lower than the one he inhabits. I believe that to be a pattern.
Ashtar (not the master in question) is transcendental and yet he’s commanding a ship in a much lower density. (3)
This pattern of a higher-dimensional presiding officer is, in my experience, common. Here’s Msgr Robert Hugh Benson on the matter:
“The natural laws are not the only means of what might be called government here. We have rulers. … Each realm has its ruler. That’s not a strictly accurate term, though we do use it. … He doesn’t [strictly rule]. He presides, and that is very different. I’m talking about the realms of light now. You can see for yourself how much pleasanter and easier it makes life.
“No falling of one government merely to make way for another equally bad or stupid or ineffective. No political fanatics with insane and inane ideas and, what is most important, no individuals holding office who are totally unfitted for it. If the people of earth would like to settle some of their worst problems, the spirit world could give them a hint or two on how to do it.” (4)
Nothing is hidden on the astral planes. A ruler must be virtuous, as Msgr Benson tells us:
“A ruler must possess a great deal of knowledge and experience of humanity, and in addition he must always be able to exercise wise discretion in dealing with the various matters that come before him. And all the ruler’s experience and knowledge, all his sympathy and understanding, are ever at the disposal of the inhabitants of his realm, while his kindness and infinite patience are always in evidence. This great soul is ever accessible to any who wish to consult him or who bring him their problems for solution.” (5)
If we project our Third-Dimensional ideas onto the higher planes, we’ll most likely be inaccurate. Why is that?
Most importantly because they don’t take into account the environment these people are living in: They’re bathed forever in an ocean of love. When you factor that in, all of what is said about the higher dimensions comes to life and becomes understandable.
So the higher realms have rulers but no fixed or national boundaries.
I’m not suggesting that we drop boundaries tomorrow. But, if we make income distribution equitable worldwide, medical care free, same with education, elder care, etc., then the need for boundaries over time will lessen. Eventually the nation-state may become obsolete and then extinct, having died a natural death.
That’s the way I see it and, as with so much, I think we need to concern ourselves with the time between now and our entry into those dimensions. We’re building the conditions right now that will support and make peaceful the emergence of that new environment.
(1)”One World Government or One World Government – Choose.”
(2) See “New Maps of Heaven Bibliography” at http://goldengaiadb.com/index.php?title=New_Maps_of_Heaven_Bibliography
(3) Ashtar: What we have done is we have brought our vibrations to the fifth dimension in order to be at a place where we can meet you. If you are to think of the human realm and what is available currently to you, if you were looking for me, I would be out of the realm of human experience. So, let us make that clear as well.
Steve Beckow: That means above the twelfth dimension, is that correct?
A: That is correct. (“An Introduction to Enlightenment and the Trinity – Part 2/2,” May 14, 2012, at http://goldenageofgaia.com/2012/05/14/an-introduction-to-enlightenment-and-the-trinity-part-22/.)
(4) Monsignor Robert Hugh Benson to new arrival Roger in Benson through Anthony Borgia, medium, More About Life in the World Unseen. San Francisco: H.G. White, 1956; c1968, 147.
(5) Monsignor Robert Hugh Benson through Anthony Borgia, medium, Life in the World Unseen. M.A.P., 1993, 130.