Prime Minister Trudeau joins the issue in Canada: To vaccinate or not to vaccinate. That’ll be the question.
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I can’t say it’s the question for me. Honesty in government is. A government that cares about people. A government whose hands are clean of the terrible crimes of the deep state.
In my opinion, the present government is pushing a deep-state agenda. Here’s constitutional lawyer Rocco Galati and assistant Rajie Kabli discussing it:
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I ask myself what kind of a government pushes a vaccine that has been shown to have caused so many deaths and injuries? Are they not supposed to say, hey, something’s wrong here? We need to stop until we know why?
Why respond by calling an election to force vaccinations on people? Surely at some level even people who are asleep should feel that something’s not right here.
If the government won’t protect us, whom do we turn to? We’ll see in the next while in Canada.
By calling a snap election, Prime Minister Trudeau is risking all on one roll of the dice. And he gives the rest of us very little time to respond so we’re caught on the back foot.
If I didn’t know how the movie ends, I’d be disturbed and afraid. At the most, at this moment, I’m creating in my meditations a tremendous surge of national opinion against the vaccine regime and an utter defeat of the whole pandemic in particular and deep-state agenda in general in Canada.
All of whatever shakes out will go away with NESARA. Med beds, Tesla energy, the Reval – I’m just going to plow ahead in the faith that the prime minister is swimming against the tide. It’s the tide I’m more interested in than the prime minister.
Note to myself: Watch out for Dominion machines and election fraud.
Attached is a searching study of the deep state’s playbook, newly released.
I’ll add it to the list of “Important Videos and Documents,” in the right sidebar.
Are You Getting the “Vaccine”?
Mirrored from the Gloria.TV channel, Abramo.
A cartoon presentation of the case against vaccination.
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(1) For the document, see “How Does It Feel to be Red-Pilled?,”
Available here: