Everything in life is but a Divine Gift.
It is just that we so often reject the gift, because we cannot see for seeing. We are blocking the flow of miracles, simply because we keep staring at the shadows, and indeed live in the shadow, instead of fully standing in our own Soul Light, with unconditional love.
A few months ago, I was told by the Divine, that I needed to create more space and quiet time, so that I could be open to receive such Gifting from the Divine. “You have toiled so long and hard in the field. Allow the Divine to gift you.”
Well, I have done that, and indeed now the Divine is showering me, with the most sublime Divine Gifts, I could never have imagined ever receiving, nor had ever asked for.
In such moments, such deep gratitude, love and awe rises that all is silent. The brain noise has long since ceased to be, the inner chamber of the heart is totally still, and yet so filled with Divine Omnipresence, that all the soul and Being, are indeed filled to overflowing.
There is just joy.
It a stillness filled with Holiness.
Have you made space for the Divine Gifting in your life?
Are you open and receptive?
Judith Kusel