A few months ago on a Sunday, I made a pot of soup, forgot to turn the burner off and went out the door, oblivious of the disruption that was to transpire.
I missed the noise, confusion, building being evacuated, door busted down. . . and arrived to no one in the hallways, a stinky apartment, and a black pot on my balcony.
It was surreal. My neighbour described the scene, everyone gathered outside – thank goodness it was sunny – smoke pouring out my apartment, sirens, fire trucks.
Now months later, the door is to be fixed, the questions arise again. . .
My shaman friend, when she heard about it back then, talked about purification, that I must have been working on something big, that amount of smoke.
What was I purifying? What was I working on that needed that amount of smoke.
Interestingly, my former husband phoned me, right around the time it happened.
He and I struggled for over 20 years with entrenched beliefs of patriarchy, judgement, anxiety, control.
I bullied myself intensely during that time, not being good enough, never good enough. . .
I’ve often said there are doors to the heart, big doors that swing open as we let go all judgement within/without.
When we learn to observe everything without taking sides, blessing everything, we can really focus on what is truly here — the LOVE.
Mentally I know I Am Love.
I Am made up of Love, of star dust,
of magic and wonder, joy and peace.
Emotionally, I feel the Love, more and more now,
the abundance, flow. . .
I Am Gratitude for my inner bully,
outer bullies – my greatest teachers.
My busted door is a symbol of violence within/without.
Time to purify, to Love everyone, not take sides,
no more separation with judgement.
Time to bless self/everyone,
to Love within/without,
focus and expand.
Monday nights, come Zoom (see posting)
to expand the Love, send it
around the globe.
“It’s time for Love to go viral.”
Albert Einstein through Linda Dillon