(Concluded from Part 1, above.)
Does an event like the arrival of 5G frighten me?
Does all the talk about Covid frighten me?
No, it doesn’t. I’m a servant of the Divine Mother and whatever befalls me is her Will. If she wants to take me by these means, I’m more than ready.
But look at all the times I’ve been rescued from death – Definite electrocution without intervention, ingestion of toxic chemicals (not the vitamins that lodged in my throat, but that too), two potential housefires. I’ve done pretty well to make it to my age!
I’m not afraid of death anyways. I’ve been outside my body. I know “I” can’t die. (1) When you see you’re not the body, the fear of death evaporates. What’s to fear? When can I venture outside my body again?
I don’t fear my mission being harmed by the cabal. Let me repeat some of the assurances you and I have been given:
Lord Kuthumi: You [lightworkers] did not incarnate during this time of awakening and action, ascension in the fullest meaning of that word to be martyred, to suffer. That is the paradigm you are literally smashing to smithereens. You have delicately and indelicately said ‘no’ to it, for which we praise you, honor you. (2)
Archangel Michael: You have not incarnated to be removed, either by inflicted or imagined or created [forces]. [You’re not] in physicality [for] anything less than perfection. (3)
AAM: It is not our intention or our plan to allow you to be cannon fodder for the cause because that would defeat the purpose. (4)
AAM: Now are you mightily protected? Well, my friend, if I cannot protect you, nobody can. …
Of course you are safe. (5)
And I could go on for a page or more on protection.
“That is the paradigm you are literally smashing to smithereens.” Well, for heaven’s sake, let’s throw off our chains then. No, not externally lest we end up in the looney bin. Not yet anyways. But internally.
Imagine that you’re off to battle and your battalion is from your village and you don’t like X, who’s in it. This is the time to put all that behind you and come together in a common, coordinated, peaceful effort.
We decline to be martyred. We the people are the government. We are free.
Here’s a last quote that Michael (6) explicitly asked me to share with you on the subject of protection:
AAM: This is something that many human beings do not understand and that you will share and write about over time and in the near time. When we declare that – whether it is a guardian angel or a guide (because they are interchangeable), an Archangel, a Seraph, or the Mother herself – but particularly when I say, when we say or a guardian angel says that they are protecting you, what does this really mean?
It means that there is no need for fear, that this very old core issue/false grid can truly be thrown into the trash heap or the recycle bin to be given back to the light. Few people really believe this and it is curious because there is seldom a situation in which we do not begin and end by saying this.
So it is a basic wobbly leg in human/divine relationships because the relationship is starting with this aspect, based on old human experience, but it is based on this aspect of “I don’t really trust you so you better prove yourself and show me” rather than proceeding not only in the love but in the mantle of protection that is around you always.
So I am giving you this as food for thought, not so much even for your sacred self but as food for thought for how you discuss things with those who are our faithful readers.
And the desire for many, and when I say many I mean billions, of Gaians [is] to simply release this hesitancy to trust because it is also, of course, as you well know a hesitancy to trust oneself, to trust that in fact what you feel about yourself is trustworthy. (7) [My emphasis.]
The thought that we’re protected does take some acceptance and assimilation. I quite frequently get it at an intellectual level but not at an experiential level.
Moreover, and last point, remember Beckow’s Theorem: When tension goes up, awareness goes down. Tension goes up when we’re afraid and we forget our divine protection.
So you may wish to have a mantra ready to remind you and calm you down – like Blossom’s “I am Truth. I am Light. I am Love. I am.” Then you may remember that you as a lightworker are on a mission and are divinely protected.
I know Michael doesn’t want me to veer off into any one cause or campaign. My job is to write about it all. I think he’d prefer the overview from me rather than the view from the trenches. So you won’t find me on the frontlines.
There will be fearful times ahead and I may forget; you may forget. Gentle reminders are welcome.
(1) Have you ever seen ECETI’s pictures of the orbs? That is closer to my true nature than my body is. I am a point of awareness, love, and light, which has ramified, multiplied, and extended itself into this dimension. When I retract myself, all that is left is that point of awareness. But in it is All.
(2) Lord Kuthumi, “Linda Dillon: Lord Kuthumi’s Call to Action,” August 19, 2020, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2020/08/19/linda-dillon-lord-kuthumis-call-to-action/.
(3) Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Linda Dillon, Feb. 5, 2016.
(4) AAM, Nov. 21, 2014.
(5) Loc. cit. One more:
Archangel Michael: It is not so much, my friend, that you are being targeted. That does not mean that you are not on the radar. Of course you are. And as you step forward to create peace on Earth, it will be even more so.
But you are also mightily protected, and you have created and built your energy field. They cannot and will not be permitted to harm you.
Yes, we know that this is a time when all the shenanigans are being put out to play. But our code word is victory and it is not victory over anything; it is victory with. (AAM, Feb. 18, 2011.)
(6) Steve: I didn’t know if I was being too familiar.
AAM: You know what? We want you to be familiar. (AAM, Jan. 3, 2017.)
(7) AAM, Nov. 15, 2017.