I’ve heard it said a few times of couples during the Second World War in which one person had one night of shore leave that “they packed a lifetime into a single night.”
What does that mean? … Apart from the obvious.
It means they did whatever they could to move their “spirits,” their state of consciousness from whatever it was to excitement, enthusiasm, zest, etc.
Just think about that for a moment and maybe put a bookmark there.
The est Training was about moving people from a lower, unconscious dimension of knowing or level of certainty to a much higher, conscious level. This was achieved by clearing and triggering a transformative moment, a sudden realization of Self. Why was it about that?
Sages speak about a “longing for liberation” that’s built into us to keep us moving slowly but inexorably back to God. Really?
We take for granted this desire to move from wherever we are to something better, more wonderful, more delightful. It can surface as a desire to do things better, improve our performance, look our best, speak civilly, help others out, and many other forms. It itself is a basic impulse.
We never ask ourselves if this pattern of behavior is a design feature of life and, if it is, what piece of the puzzle it is. We simply take the direction in which life moves for granted.
Not all beings seem to want happiness and peace, for sure. There are beings in the universe who feed on fear – or “loosh,” as they call it. Others long to be “masters of the universe.” Some human beings would murder billions of “useless eaters” if they thought they could get away with it – perhaps by way of a pandemic.
Those people are exercising their freewill. In a demented way perhaps. The law of karma takes them and gives them back the experience they gave to others, which, in the long run, seems to wake people up.
Look at awakening itself. When we awaken, our upsets are gone. We feel freed up, rejuvenated. We awaken from wherever we are into a better state. Again the movement is from here to better.
Life seems to have a thrown direction. It’s rather like a torus: all emanates from God, goes out into the world and then returns to God again. As Jesus said: “I came forth from the Father, and am come into the world: again, I leave the world, and go to the Father.” (1)
The return journey to God is accomplished, I believe, by journeying deeper and deeper into the divine states, most notably the state of states, love.
I’ve discussed this thrown direction to life as an in-built “longing for liberation,” (2) a tidal, sub-sensible thirst for God that keeps us moving in the overall direction of the Good, True, and Beautiful. Some kick against the thorns, but most seem basically decent. I don’t think that’s buried too far down, despite Covid.
Are we ready now to leave the wired world and resume in-person, face-to-face contact?
I’m still enjoying sweet isolation. I’m making contact with myself at deeper and deeper levels. I feel more confident after resolving several self-worth issues during this enforced solitude.
This commentary shows it. I’d never have noticed the thrown direction of my life if I were as busy as I was before the Mother called a pause or the cabal locked us down, depending on your point of view.
(1) John 16:28.
(2) Shankara on the longing for liberation:
“[The] longing for liberation is the will to be free from the fetters forged by ignorance — beginning with the ego-sense and so on, down to the physical body itself — through the realization of one’s true nature.” (Shankara in Swami Prabhavananda and Christopher lsherwood, Shankara’s Crest-Jewel of Discrimination. Hollywood: Vedanta Press, 1975; c1947, 36.)
“Your quest for knowledge and the truth can never really be satisfied until you reach the ultimate – The Source of All That Is. However, you will have innumerable experiences before you ever reach that point. You have yet to understand the concept of a never-ending creation. You will never run out of new challenges in the Multi Universes and dimensions that seem to go on for all infinity.” (SaLuSa, Feb. 23, 2009.)
See also: “Ch. 7. The Longing for Liberation” in The Purpose of Life is Enlightenment at https://goldenageofgaia.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/08/Purpose-of-Life-is-Enlightenment.pdf
“The Longing for Liberation,” August 20, 2010, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2010/08/20/the-longing-for-liberation/
“Understanding the Longing for Liberation – Part 1/3,” October 16, 2016, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2016/10/16/understanding-longing-liberation-part-13/
“Understanding the Longing for Liberation – Part 2/3,” October 16, 2016, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2016/10/16/understanding-longing-liberation-part-23/
“Understanding the Longing for Liberation – Part 3/3,” October 17, 2016, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2016/10/17/understanding-longing-liberation-part-33/