The Secret Key to Speeding up Your Ascension
I think we’re all weary of how challenging the ascension path has been so far – so much pain and fear to release, so much loss, so much waiting for “something” to happen to indicate the Earth and humanity are indeed ascending.
Making this quantum leap into 5D is no easy task, especially as we’re taking our physical bodies with us – something never achieved before in this universe.
And yet, ascending we are – at least those of us who have made the choice to do so in this lifetime. Although it is not always clear, the process of ascension can become obvious, once you begin making choices now, as much as possible, to begin living in 5D consciousness. The more you can do this, the more rapidly you will ascend – and the smoother your journey will be.
Choose Joy, Excitement, Inspiration
In a certain way, it is very simple: To quicken and bring ease to your ascension path, the main thing you need to do is follow your joy. Follow what brings you happiness, love, peace, well-being.
Choose to focus on those things that bring about inspiration and excitement. Do what creates passion within you. Focus on beauty, grace, kindness, laughter. These are all primary qualities of 5D consciousness.
Now, you may be asking, “What if I don’t have anything to be joyful about? What if I’ve lost all sense of passion and inspiration, and there’s nothing in my life to feel excited about? What if my heart feels closed?”
None of this is a problem. It just indicates you are probably passing through the phase of the ascension process called the “Ascension Void”. This is when all your old, familiar 3D identities have lost momentum and are falling away – and your 5D identity hasn’t quite shown up yet. Your life feels dull, unimportant and small. It’s often uncomfortable – and at times, a little scary – but it truly doesn’t have to stand in your way to feeling a sense of joy, love, inspiration, and excitement.
How To Create Joy, Excitement and Inspiration
All you need do is think back to times in your life when you have felt excited, inspired and full of life; and, with these memories, allow the emotions to arise within you again. Focus on them. Feel them deeply in your body.
Your body remembers that feeling of joy, excitement, and inspiration, even though you may have forgotten it. It remembers what being creative and full of life is like. And it loves feeling that way.
You’ll see that, in focusing on the feeling memory of those times, it will be as if you are doing now what you most love doing, as if you are joyful, excited and full of passion about your life. And you will project these feelings into the future you are creating.
When you are focused on all these higher vibrations, you will be surprised how new passions, inspirations, and creativity will begin to show up out of nowhere. And synchronicities and magic will also begin to happen. It’s your aliveness that brings these new higher 5D frequencies and experiences into your life.
It’s a matter of “acting as if” – or “faking it till you make it”. Remember: your reality is created by what you focus on – especially when there are deep emotions running through your body. Of course, keeping positive, optimistic thoughts in your mind is also important; but what you may not realize is that experiencing powerful positive emotions in your body is the key to greatly enliven your whole being and raise your vibration very rapidly. Staying in this state of aliveness and joy is what will lead you to 5D consciousness.
Experiencing 5D Now
In other words, you can begin experiencing 5D consciousness and create your own 5D reality now – even before the Earth has made its shift into that reality. This is made all the easier, due to the powerful waves of 5D light that are now flooding the Earth, creating a high-frequency field you can access more and more easily.
Of course, since fear, despair and anger continue to flow through the global collective, you will still have to be watchful to not pick up these vibrations. And, naturally, you will likely also be dealing with your own 3D emotions that are still arising, as you find your way through the Fourth Dimension. So there is probably still some healing work you need to do, still some challenges to overcome. This is to be expected.
But even this need not stop you from choosing to feel joy and inspiration whenever you can. When you feel negative emotions surface, do honor them. Don’t stuff them or judge yourself for feeling them; feel them fully. Just don’t dwell on them unnecessarily. Remember that they’re coming up to be released. Once feeling them, let them go, and love yourself tenderly with compassion. Then turn your focus back on joy and love and optimistic expectations of wonderful things that will be coming into your life.
You really don’t have to wait for anything to happen to begin bringing the 5D energies into your life. Embrace your life, just as it is now, with gratitude and joy. Decide to choose excitement and inspiration – and laughter, fun and pleasure.
And you’ll see that, in the process, you will also begin attracting more love, peace, and oneness with others. You truly can create your own personal 5D universe to live in now!