The fastest way to feel lonely and separated from others is to go to a grocery store that stopped demanding mask-wearing over a week ago, and you’re the only one in sight taking advantage of this generously bestowed “freedom.”
If I were inclined to be morose and pessimistic, I’d say there’s very little hope for humanity, given the obvious devotion of people to their own enslavement.
But I try, I do try, to aim for positivity.
So how can I couch the apparent self-enslavement of the masses in my little corner of the world—Santa Barbara, California—in positive terms?
I’m afraid the short answer is, I can’t. The best I can aim for is empathy.
The only way I can relate to the head-scratching behavior of my fellow sapiens is to recall the smidgen of uneasiness I harbored about the disease in the early days, and extrapolate to what I’m witnessing around me now. Fear made visible in its myriad forms.
There was a brief time around March, 2020, during the cleverly manufactured uncertainty about this “horrific epidemic,” when a beloved elderly friend had quite a cough.
Wait…isn’t coughing a symptom? Oh no oh no oh no, does she have it? The dread new super-contagious disease that’s going to sweep the world and cause massive death and destruction?
Of course she didn’t have it. But for a short while, not even a day, I was worried. That’s all it lasted, because I started heeding only the information I trusted and immediately stopped watching anything from the mainstream.
But that one day, those few hours, gave me a sympathy I would not otherwise have, right now, for those smothering themselves needlessly under the stigmata of the mask. If they have been allowing themselves to marinate in half-truths and untruths for nearly a year and a half, this self-harm from following so-called public health directives seems the only likely outcome.
The time of separation as discussed in spiritual and Ascension circles has always seemed a melancholy thing to me. Oh, those poor uninformed / unenlightened people! If only they could find their way to some truths…perhaps if I direct them to a certain website, they’ll read up on what’s really happening…
Now this divide seems inevitable, karmic, preordained by our Soul selves, and not particularly mournful. Instead of feeling like I have to be okay with the apparent dividing of humanity, I am okay with it. This voluntary separation that is playing out before our very eyes—it’s fine with me.
I feel a guilty sense of relief when I notice that I don’t feel one iota of responsibility for anyone else’s choice. In the words of Jiddu Krishnamurti, “Do you want to know what my secret is? I don’t mind what happens.”
Nor, at this moment, do I. I’m always looking for peace, and it occurs to me that this is a fine and simple way to dwell in that state, to share in that happy secret. I just don’t mind what happens.