Ivo of Vega: Enter homo universalis
These next three excerpts are truly humbling because they discuss the end of the evolutionary pre-eminence of homo sapiens on this planet and their replacement by what Sharon Stewart’s sources call a crystalline homo universalis.
The last homo sapiens on the planet has already been born, they say.
It isn’t as bad as it sounds because our sapiens will become universalis – that is, our carbon will become crystalline – too, with Ascension.
Nevertheless, not everyone will welcome the news. The ego is dedicated to ensuring our survival and the survival of everything we identify with. This seeming demise is going to be bad news for the ego.
But for people who know that they’re not the body, but the spirit using the body, it may not be a very important matter.
I’ll come back in whatever body suits my service contract. Whatever’s available at the time is quite fine. I know this is a rented suit.
Do I know if what is said here is true? I absolutely don’t. But isn’t it fascinating to consider?
Adama of Telos, “They’re Still At It,” via Sharon Stewart, 9/7/2020, at https://sharonandivo.weebly.com/blog.
Adama: Your people have some particular challenges and it’s because your DNA has been modified to allow for this. You’ve been created to be receptacles of mind control programming which is being piped to you from outside this earth, primarily. The Agarthans don’t have the same DNA as you do, so we are not susceptible to outside control. It’s that simple. They didn’t get us. We went underground before they could change our DNA.
The Lemurians watched what was happening on earth and realized that Atlantis wouldn’t ascend. It had been poisoned, taken over by dark ones, and we knew all upon the surface would ultimately be affected so we went underground through Mount Shasta. We hid our escape route and shielded ourselves from detection.
We watched what happened to the surface population and it was horrendous. So many were taken and put through modifying experimentation. They came out of these laboratories changed people. The dark controllers saw that they could do it. They could change you to suit their purposes and they did.
Then they spread fear. Widespread fear. We could hear your cries for help. We knew they changed the Matrix to force you to think you were alone. Humanity suffered on the surface. They went back through a dark age where they barely survived. But they did survive and have slowly come back. There were other groups who came from the stars to try to help them, but fighting broke out among them and the dark ones. Ultimately it was decided for the protection of humanity that the positive ETs wouldn’t interfere. It was that bad. The dark ones had stacked the deck in their favor and against the Light interference.
They still warred with the dark ones, nonetheless. They controlled outcomes by forcing the dark’s hand and through incarnating strong lightworkers on the surface, such as Jesus. And it’s been that way ever since. Now the Light is taking back the planet for God and for the people of earth.
Adama of Telos, “Synchronicities,” Sept. 6, 2020, at https://sharonandivo.weebly.com/blog/adama-synchronicities.
Homo sapiens shared the world with other bi-pedal human like beings like neanderthals. Because homo sapiens was the most evolved type of human, they survived while Lucy and the others died. They couldn’t last past that part of your evolution.
These beings were there. They were human-like beings and they came from times of the dinosaurs, when the dinosaurs roamed the earth. Then humans from space overtook earth and the Lucies lived on for a while longer but alongside the extraterrestrial human.
This will happen again as those who are more adapted to the current situation, and more capable of evolving will survive while homo sapiens will not.
Me: It sounds weird to think members of my family will become the last of their species.
Adama: The last of the species, homo sapiens, has already been born. The evolved crystalline human is now here in the children.
“Ivo of Vega: The Nature of Negativity,” through Sharon Stewart, February 22, 2021,. at https://goldenageofgaia.com/?p=317874.
Ivo: Yes. This is an extinction[-level?] event. On planet Earth, only certain types of DNA will evolve or ascend. Other types of DNA will not. Homo Sapiens is slated for extinction. Homo Universalis will prevail.
The nature of negativity on planet Earth is simply descending into morbid toxicity. If you do not see this now in your fashions, with their skulls and crossbones, you are being subjected to a poisonous mindset by mind control and buying into it, no less.
Me: Yes, Lisa Renee calls it the “death culture.”
Ivo: You must be aware that the collective mindset has been degrading over many millenia. Since Victorianism where things were somewhat more ethical than is the case today. And the negative timeline will not rise. Negativity in and of itself, without the positive polarity entwined with it, is doomed. I do not wish to give such a foreboding message, but it will be the task of those on the positive timelines in future to attempt to save those on the negative timelines. …
Me: Won’t the incoming energies raise the frequency of the negative timelines?
Ivo: [They] will, but the free will of those of lower frequency will hold it in place. Energy cannot displace free will. You were given free will, even the free will to give your free will away. Those in lower timelines do that. When they realize they are being controlled and realize they do not like it, then there will be hope for them.
Frequency will always split into timelines. Disparate frequencies cannot co-exist. They will always split out. More and more realities will emerge from this point in time, thankfully more positive ones than negative.
Me: I think it’s already started because last December 21st and the few months before then were a totally different energy.
Ivo: Exactly, my love. The timelines are splitting apart and will continue to do so according to the frequency of members of the collective. Similar frequencies will collect in new timelines. It is important what you believe and who you allow to influence you now, very important.