I’m at work in the database and came across a few pieces which I’d very much like to repost.
This one is from Adamu in 2008 – when I first became aware of Ascension. He answers the “easy question,” how many Pleiadians are there?
From Adamu’s perspective, that’s not at all easy to answer. His explanation of why is both instructive and enjoyable.
Adamu, “Adamu Speaks,” through Zingdad, Comm-unity, Sept. 25, 2008, at http://www.book-of-light.com/forums2/viewtopic.php?t=81&f=86.
Kael wrote: Easy question: How large is the total Pleiadian population? (Ex. Earth humans are around 6.5 billion persons/beings.) How large is the total population of the Galactic Federation?
Adamu: Oh no, my friend! A far more difficult question than you could imagine. You are inside of time. You think there are 6.5 billion earth humans. From your perspective that is a fair estimation. From my perspective I can choose amongst many, many numbers depending how I look. For example. I might see only the greatest beings from which all of you have come. Then the number is quite small. Or I may see all the incarnations that have ever been on planet earth. Then the number is vast.
I also do not differentiate as you do between humans and animals. Do you know that whales are, generally speaking, of much higher consciousness than humans? That dolphins fulfill a vital function in balancing planetary energies and that dogs are workers on the consciousness of humanity? … I could go on and on. And you also fail to see that which resides inside your planet. You fail to be aware of energetic beings. And so on and so on.
If I asked you, friend Kael, how many are you – you personally – you’d assuredly tell me you are one. One person. But then what of your past lives? Are they you or are they “other” than you? And what of all the myriad consciousnesses that are engaged in each of the physical constructs you call your body: are they “you” or “other” than you? So are you and your body “one” or “many”? I really just try to give you an inkling.
There are an interminable number of ways to look at things if you wish to answer your question. The whole of the Pleiadian consciousness may be seen to be just one being. Or even as a small part of one greater being. Or it may be seen to be – literally – an infinite number of particulate points of consciousness. It all depends on your perspective. If you wish to understand this better then I would encourage you to investigate fractals. They are a beautiful art form and are also a wonderful metaphor for this that I am trying to convey here.