Finally, Archangel Michael tells us: “You have the technology within which to communicate. You have your social networks. … Build your communities globally.”
Exactly. We ordinary citizen journalists may not have given much thought to using the wonderful gift this technology is to build global networks and programming – or, more importantly, global audiences and connections.
In the face of global censorship, now’s the time. Here’s Archangel Michael on global community:
“Archangel Michael: You’re Building the New Reality of Gaia,” Jan. 21, 2013, at
Archangel Michael: The wondrous thing about community is that it has been completely redefined on your planet in the past several years. Yes, there is the community of your neighborhood, of the building within which you live, of the block on which you live, but community has also taken on completely broader terms because community is now global.
You have the technology within which to communicate. You have your social networks. … Build your communities globally.
You have had tastes of what is possible, with the Occupy movements, with Arab Spring, with many institutions that are in place to assist those in need. …
Begin the communication. Expand the communication. Become involved in your community, whether it is in a community garden, in a community action group; whether it is bringing together singers who are interested – and we do not mean simply scientists – who are interested in the issue of free energy. There are many among you who are in very active collaboration with your star brothers and sisters.
Why are you not coming together and sharing what you are learning? And I do not simply mean about the technology or the play, I mean about the vibration that is required for you to actually come and conjoin. So, choose your area, or your areas, that you wish to address and get going.
And then come together in collaboration and in groups to deal with any issues that are coming forth that need to be eliminated, eradicated.
“Archangel Michael: A Global Reset of Values, Part 2/2, ” channeled by Linda Dillon, September 16, 2013, at
Archangel Michael: Does the conversation expand organically and naturally? Does the energy go out to the entire planet, those who want to hear and those who don’t want to hear? Yes, it does. But it begins with the lightworker community. That is what we have need of.
Steve Beckow: And I suppose then more and more people join the lightworker community?
AAM: Exactly, until it is one family and one path.
This is the basis, the foundation of conciliar government, if you ask me: healthy feedback loops to a communicating, united, harmonious public.
You can see this rebirth happening now in response to the cabal’s attempts to force masks and vaccines on us, the mainstream media’s attempts to silence lightworkers. Lightworkers, truthers, anti-vaxxers, etc., are responding by creating their own social-media networks.
I encourage people to use Open Source Software and to cooperate with each other instead of competing. Like the nimbler mammals who survived the dinosaur extinction, the former predators are destined to weaken and fall away.
Not only will the people not stop communicating. The love that’s generated by people around the world expressing themselves and making common ground will overcome the efforts of the cabal to censor and silence them. I know that because, as the Mother said, it’s the Plan.