May 10, 2021
It seems many of us are having our eyes opened, one way or another. And many fervently long for those we call the “unawakened ones” to, well, wake up.
Given free will, surely the unawakened are in that state because their soul has determined that it is essential for their growth experience at this time to be uninformed (or perhaps misinformed). To be in a jail of sorts under voluntary imprisonment.
What if some of these willfully uninformed are finally ready to be educated? What if their soul green-lights an awareness campaign?
It might be as simple as letting a crack of light in through perception, and then letting the dust of confusion and forgetfulness that we have allowed to cover us dissipate like the phantom it is.
There may be excellent self-protective reasons for covering ourselves with forgetfulness. For rejecting the light of awareness, at least in previous lives we may have inhabited over the millennia.
But that was then. This is now. Is a journey toward enlightenment a safe route nowadays? It seems likely so, for many of us on Planet Earth at this time.
Something to rejoice in.
A couple years ago, I asked Dr. Peebles about my perception that I had long ago been unwillingly subjected to a barrier that prevented me from accessing spiritual awareness. A form of psychic enslavement, perhaps, that blocked me from “enlightenment.”
The fact that I was able to perceive this possibility, which was uncovered during an energy healing session with my Reiki teacher/mentor, told me that most likely, the barrier had been dissolved. But I wished to explore it more fully.
CV: [The Reiki teacher] and I each got an impression of a kind of blackness, goo, or barrier that had been placed upon me probably by the dark during some previous or parallel life…Is there anything that you can share with me about that?
Dr. P: Absolutely. The very first thing to remember is that, when you are working within your spiritual journey, that when you encounter these types of things, the mind frequently only has the capacity, because of your three-dimensional reality, to see them as blocks or barriers or walls or closed doors. This is all right.
But we are wanting to remind you, as you continue your experience and expansion, that, first and foremost, nothing has ever been placed in your experience without your one hundred percent approval.
It is very, very important that when you are in the midst of transmutation, transmuting things, that you know that what you’re doing is you’re working with something that you have put there. In one form or another.
This is very deeply important because otherwise, if you are feeling like you are breaking free from something that was put upon you by something or someone else, then it will dredge up victimhood, it will dredge up fear, it will make you separate, it will allow for you to perceive it as separate from you.
And indeed, if you perceive it as separate from you, then you will co-create the separateness again.
So, number one, understand that everything [in your experience] has your full approval.
Number two, as we just mentioned, it’s quite all right to cut cords, dissolve blocks, walls, etc., you can call them whatever you wish.
What we encourage, especially for you, is that as you witness it, the goo or the cloud or the wall, if you can imagine, for instance, that a brick wall, as it’s crushed, or worn away by time, becomes dust.
And that dust then gets blown in the wind from the four corners – north, south, east, west – existing in all of the experiences of the Planet Earth. And beyond, yes?
So, when you are in the midst of breaking through, breaking down, removing, or lifting anything, anything in your entire spiritual experience that you might call a block, see it as that transmutation, taken down to the very molecular structure in your perception, and then dispersed.
Like blowing sand out of your hands, into the All That Is.
Nothing is ever inherently good or bad. These are judgments that are put upon experiences or things or energy, based upon human perception.
What this particular block or what you might call “goo,” that you perceived was placed there…in particular, it’s wonderful that you’ve come across it to transmute it. This was the place in you that was, well, yes, was “placed upon you,” with your permission.
You consciously asked for this to be placed upon you, or to be invoked, so to speak.
In these other lifetimes, when you were engaging in your understanding, not just of spirituality or Universal Consciousness, but bringing it through you, through prophetic experiences or through your artistry, or through your writing, or through your chanting, your channeling in one form or another, [it was problematic].
Many, many times, when that connection to the All That Is surpassed anything that might have nudged humanity at that point beyond their comfort zone, usually, you were killed, or you were imprisoned, or at least run out of town.
So what you began to assume was that your expansion into God eventually meant that you were resisting or that you were resisted or held separated from humanity.
So in many other lifetimes – and it’s very good, dear, that you are shifting this now, it’s wonderful, it’s the right time, you understand – in many lifetimes you have a tendency to choose one or the other.
You either choose to be part of community with humanity, doing your very, very best to be present and oneness and connected and loving and joyful and part of that community and tribe; or you choose expansion into God, which eventually [leads to] the rejection of humanity in one form or another.
So this is what that goo or that darkness or that block or that seeming separation was. If you can imagine, like a cloud has gone over the sun. And what you’re doing by releasing this or transmuting it, you’re just dispersing the cloud.
And what this will do, because when you make a shift or a change in one lifetime you make it in all lifetimes (it transcends your perception of time), is that it will bring you more and more into harmony with less fear, tremendously less fear, more and more allowance, knowing that it is safe not only to expand and to receive your connection to God more and more, nudging yourself more and more as you feel comfortable…
But that also, every level of expansion, although it may shake, rattle, and roll other human beings around you, those that are with you, those that can support you, those that can uplift you and are also doing their own expansion will continue to be part of your tribe.
So there you have it. I was released from a “prison” of my own making some three years ago and have allowed myself to be present with this journey of enlightenment, and to connect with my tribe.
That would be you readers.
And I deeply appreciate each and every one of you who is reading this.
May we all be free, blessed, and uplifted within, upon, and through the rising vibrations of Gaia and the rising vibrations of our collective and individual soul-selves upon this path.
Billy the Kid simply dug a hole in the adobe wall / of the jail with his bare hands and walked away. ~ Ray Gonzalez, The Walls
~Dr. Peebles through Natalie Gianelli, nataliegianelli.com