What I’m learning is:
We can choose to do the letting go to move forward – or not – and things are not as they seem here.
I have issues with a co-worker.
Because she reminds me of unfinished work with a family member.
My co-worker is a gift for me, for me to recognize my “work.”
She and I have met for tea and been pleasant to each other. Now I’m going to email my relative and do the deeper work.
The deeper “work” — if we choose to do it — helps create the financial, Love, health abundance in our life. The question is:
Do we choose to do “the work” and what is “the work”?
The work is always deeper LOVE for self/family/friends (in truth self/others are ONE) that have helped create the present situation we find ourselves in.
“The work” is looking at past situations and resolving them, not with resistance, but with Love. . . and this can be done in imagination, etherically.
It doesn’t need to be done in person.
(Also, those uncomfortable situations may be connected to past life issues that have repeated in this life to be resolved.)
When we get to the ROOT, life changes to right alignment in all areas.
From finances to health to partners, there are no limits.
LOVING self – gathering in our child self and older selves that were terribly hurt — being non-judgmental GRATITUDE for our self and others for the incredible courage it takes to be here on Earth, and LOVING, forgiving self/family/friends equally — and we are there.
Doing “the work” is our ability to create from a place of balance — gratitude and forgiveness, admiration and respect, compassion for everyONE equally — helps create that same balance in all areas of our life.