Archangel Uriel says that we are just beginning to comprehend, understand, and utilize this expansion of our capacity of free will, and the fluidity, and the fortitude of when we will, like I do, to will the Will of the Divine One, the Divine All.
Greetings, I AM Uriel, I AM Uriel, I AM Uriel, I am brother, I am ally, I am friend, I AM Archangel of the Future. And yes, beloved ones, I say to you emphatically and clearly… the future is now. But more importantly, yes, of course, the children are the future, but sweet angels of light, so are you.
You have come to this planet, this planet of such extreme beauty, you have come as sister and brother to Gaia, to assist her as she daily, moment to moment, assists you in the blossoming, the anchoring, the expansion of who you truly are… brilliant angels, brilliant archangels, brilliant seraphim, brilliant cherubim, and humans all.
This channel asks me, “What does it mean to be a champion of change?” Why have the Mother and I used this terminology? Let me suggest to you, your life in this journey is not an athletic event… unless you think of weightlifting. That is not what we intend when we speak to you about being a champion of change. And I am not merely speaking of this upcoming series, I am speaking to your heart. To be a champion is to be a leader. It is to have the vision and the wisdom-vision, not only of your fourth eye but of your heart, of your being, of your life, to journey. Yes, sometimes it has been into the dark or shadowy places but that is why long ago I have given you and instilled within you my Silver Flame of Illumination. But we expand this because what is vision, what is inspiration? In its most simple form, it is dreaming with the Mother.
You have been given, and through you, through this expanded circle, you are given an expansion of your blessed capacity of free will. Now, what do you do with that? Our dream, our guidance, our recommendations is never to ignore the whispers of the dreams of your heart. But what I suggest to you, not to override, but to join… when you dream with the Mother, when you enter into her dream, and when you invite and allow Her to enter into yours, there is an expansion and fluidity that allows, through acts of will which is now increased and increasing, the ability to create what you have all been dreaming of since the moment of inception and well before.
You are just beginning to comprehend, understand, and utilize this expansion of your capacity of free will, and the fluidity, and the fortitude of when you will, like I do, to will the Will of the Divine One, the Divine All.
One of the things that I bring to you this day is the realization that you will anchor, share and spread that expansion of free will as you anchor your expanded free will within. Think of this as simply the implementation to create more freely, more clearly. Many upon the planet… yes, behind that door that the channel has talked about, and the Mother has asked you to keep ajar but not paying attention to… many still suffer in the darkness, the chaos, the shadows, the confusion. They do not need to stay there. And many of those beings are saying, “It is too hard. I wish to go home. I cannot continue this way” … not only those of the lightworker, love-holder community, but many.
When you implement and utilize your expanded free will, you come to more fully, in a very conscious manner, understand your power to align will with Will, create with Create, dream with Dream. Then the desire to leave leaves, it evaporates. And the true joy, the privilege, the honor of being, the knowing of not only volunteered but selected, chosen to be these wayshowers in this time of completion and the emergence of a new realm, yes, of existence emerges. When you begin to know this the excitement, the joy, the pleasure, the sense of accomplishment… not merely for yourselves but for the many… that joy expands and the desire to complete and leave, to head out because you are too darn tired dissipates, and disappears.
You see, you cannot have Nova Earth, you cannot be Nova Being, if you are stuck in that downward spiral of ‘I am too tired; I am fed up; I am exhausted; I feel defeated, disappointed, and betrayed.’ That does not exist. So, what does? What is the beckoning? What is the offer on the table… literally? The future, the future that you have dreamed of and that is right now… no, it does not eliminate the expansion of future decades and millennia, it begins it.
And in that, I invite you to proceed with me, to enter into the Grayelsha Dream, and from there to dream with the Mother, with the Father, with the One. We have prepared you. You know what it is to come to the13th Octave and to be in the fullness of embrace. You know what it is to be in communion, conjoining with all of us, and this is not a one-way… us with you. Never do we choose to over-extend, to over-indulge. To participate fully… yes, yes, yes, yes… but never to override. You would not turn and say to me, “Uriel, I would prefer you to do this and this, and could you do it my way?”
You are so loved and honored. We do not seek in any way to over-direct, but rather in a place of friendship, of family, of union, of sacred union, of communion, seen and unseen, above and below, within and without, in accordance with Divine Universal Law, we seek to create with you. Yes, acclimatizing is of creation. It is a conscious choice, and it is a choice of will… and will power. Do not ignore the power of will. It is that sense of declaration, not merely fortitude or determination but of declaration of your sacred divine ability to proceed… and might I add, to proceed in joy, in laughter, in sweetness, in kindness. Yes, even with Gabrielle’s bubbles of joy.
So, turn to me as I turn to you, to expand your vision, to assist you in assuming your champion position. Go with my love sweet angels of light, brothers and sisters of my soul.
Go with my love.
Channeled by Linda Dillon
©2020 Council of Love, Inc.
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