Greetings and Salutations,
The messes that have been made are taking up the time and the allotted resources of those who are trying diligently to unmask the money flow and the pressures are beginning to gain traction.
There are those who wish to expedite this matter of course. And there are those who think it is too risky to even talk about it.
You can help by using your form of prayer and mediation which will affect how soon all of this will get unplugged. All of this could happen sooner than we think!
The redskins are after the cowboys and the bankers are after everything they can swindle. So what do you do when there are no good guys at work to help bring about a relief package? You punt, and that has happened. There are efforts to un-chill the whole damn thing but then that is not likely yet this week.
Take a deep breath and hold on, hang on, be wise, and pay attention to who is in your circle of communication and who is putting out stuff that seems honest but might not be.
We wish the news was stronger and cleaner than it is. But does it matter that the funds are still in a holding pattern? Can you accept that just for today?
Love and Kisses,
(1) “Poof” is J. A. Holmes, who gave us his “intel” regularly some years ago, before the Deep State offed him.
Now he communicates from the other side. He has a ringside seat. I put a lot of credence in his enhanced observations.
On Poof’s passing in 2013, Sanat Kumara eulogized him:
“Poof has been welcomed with great fanfare. Celebration. Now, this is not unusual, for this is the way in which this process is undergone. But as you well know, this has been a trusted and faithful communicator and servant, and one that has completed the mission — or at least, as it was perceived, let us put it that way.
“There are no immediate plans, for this one, as I have said to you before, or Michael has, he deserves a good rest. And besides which, he is quite confident that he can affect and do a great deal of work from what you think of as this side as well. It is amazing, in many ways, what can be accomplished when you do not have the confines of a mortal body.
“Now, I am not suggesting to any of you that it’s a good idea to leave your body, for that is all in divine order and your timing. But it is incorrect thinking if you decide to leave your body because you think that you can do better work or more fulfilling work from this side.
“But Poof has literally been true to his name. He has gone up in smoke. And he has arrived home, at peace, in joy and love, and he will be in constant communication with his beloved wife.” (“Sanat Kumara: Many of You Have Already Ascended and Straddle Dimensions,” May 28, 2013, at http://goldenageofgaia.com/2013/05/sanat-kumara-many-of-you-have-already-ascended-and-straddle-dimensions/.)