May I talk about leadership for a moment, how tarnished it has become and the challenges that face us in regard to it?
Over time, as we’re beginning to see, many of the leaders of the world have apparently become corrupted.
They’ve hidden their activities behind old and new ploys.
An old ploy lies in creating an enemy within and without, as the cabal has successfully done with us around the bogeyman of terrorism (Al Qaida, ISIS, Antifa, etc.) (1) and now the pandemic (mask wearers and non-mask wearers, vaccinated and unvaccinated).
Then stampede the population with false-flag catastrophes so that you can pass tighter security laws (Patriot Act, mandatory masks and vaccinations).
Permit me a little history on the shift in my own view of government?
In 2006 I left the Immigration and Refugee Board, totally ready to retire. After I got over the whoopee stage, I began to look online for what I may have missed in the last eight years. The next thing I did would change my life. I’d call that an awakening.
I watched a video called In Plane Site, which said that … 9/11 … was … an inside job. You must be kidding. I researched it and my world shattered. Later I even did a website on 9/11. (2)
This was the second time my worldview had collapsed, the first being after my purnavatar (3) guru had turned out in 2000 to be a pedophile. (4)
Am I being prepared for something? Or just a punching bag? Or is this just the way things are these days?
For the next year I wrote, usually for OpEd News, on 9/11 and then later depleted uranium. I had to start anew. Does that not sound familiar these days? If not, it may sound familiar in a month or two.
Leadership could not be more severely tarnished than it is today. And rightfully so. I assert that leadership has tarnished itself.
Leadership has sold out for money, property, power, sex with children, Satanism, child sacrifice, cannibalism, adrenochrome use, and then blackmail.
Leadership has created a global network of corruption and relied on the public’s unwillingness to admit that such a thing could possibly be happening in our world. It is happening.
Like Neville Chamberlain before World War II, we hold in our hands a piece of paper guaranteeing peace in our time. We chose to remain blind to the corruption in our midst.
In 1939 war broke out. All efforts at appeasement had only helped the dictator seize territory.
War won’t happen here. In 2021, the cabal will be displaced from power by a coalition of forces on planet and off. The Mother is now in charge – Mother Gaia and the Divine Mother.
Ascension will go forward, in my view, and those who resist our last invitations to end their war against humanity will set themselves on a trajectory of separation.
But that leaves us with the problem of a tarnished leadership. Untarnishing that leadership is the challenge.
Human groups, while they may choose their leaders in different ways, usually end up choosing to go with leadership itself. That will go on. But our trust in leadership has taken a hit.
The new leaders who arise will have to take that into account. They’ll need to re-awaken in people the willingness to trust, remembrance of the benefits of following sound, wise, and compassionate leadership, and the importance of not forgetting the tremendous cost of following dictators in savior’s clothing.
(1) The governments of the world have played major roles in inciting or staging terrorism against their own people to move the population ever closer to totalitarianism and world domination. The government of the United States was behind 9/11; the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq were simply land grabs for the drug trade and petroleum resources, as far as I can see.
(2) What is Happening in America? Are We Headed Back to the Middle Ages? at On 9/11 and depleted uranium.
(3) Purnavatar means full and complete incarnation of God.
(4) Actually the third, if you count the shattering at age seven when my Dad shouted at me from a few inches from my face. I’m getting practice at this.