Covid-19 was introduced to push mail-in ballots in the American election. The Quantum Financial System is online, is instantaneous, and will cost nothing to use. Elon Musk put $1.5 billion into Bitcoin. And it wasn’t even his money.
On and on the public discussion goes, as we head towards something we know not what. (1)
But I know that the most important thing to me – even as I do this work – is how I feel.
I spend my days trying to escape from the mud of grumpiness. I don’t count the days until the Reval; I could the days until I’m free from this unsatisfying emotional baseline.
OK, OK, I’m vitally interested in the events of the outside world. I can’t wait for the chaos and mayhem to be over. The deep state uses it to keep us in fear.
Sitara will be posting a Sharon Stewart/Ivo channeling on loosh production. To produce loosh, which is food to the demonics among us, the deep state keeps us in fear.
Weather warfare against Texas, bomb blasts in Spain, the invasion of the Capitol Building – all of these create fear in us and that produces loosh.
The deep state also does it to hold onto power.
And all that rages over me while my attention returns again and again to how to dispel all this ill temper and enjoy the peace and serenity that the Self is.
I noticed yesterday that my grumbliness was an emotional baseline for me. Yes, I’m already well aware of the troll but I actually saw my grumbliness in its structural impact on my body and in its resistance to love.
I breathe up love from my heart and I notice that there’s a part of me that’s resisting. The troll does not want to budge.
It’s always there, in the background of obviousness. (2) The reason I never noticed its omnipresence before is that I just assumed that the end of my breath was determined by natural limits like rib cage, etc.
No, it’s the troll again. He resists love.
He wants to be right. He wants to get even. His misery loves company.
I know I have to love him. I know I have to experience the troll through to completion, allowing it to be and just standing back and observing because the troll is energized when I get mad or hostile or any strong negative emotion, really. And by just watching him he loses strength. (Awareness is a solvent.)
Never mind when the world will calm down. When will my insides calm down. That’s the change I want to be and see.
(1) We know its generalities but not its particulars.
(2) This insightful phrase hails from Werner Erhard.