What is this moment like when feeling whatever arises without it symbolizing a mistake you’ve made or something you must be doing wrong — no matter how intense or daunting it feels?
What is it like to just feel how you feel, but with greater attention and renewed interest given to the feelings calling out for attention?
What is it like to face how you feel, despite the superstitious threats of what might happen or be attracted if giving your most hurtful parts the attention they deserve?
What is it like to shift your experience of the unknown from fear to freedom, just by going where you’ve never emotionally gone before? What is it like to face yourself — just as you are right now?
Whatever sensation it is, just feel it, slowly count to ten, and notice what happens.
Whether this offers tremendous space, a moment of relief, or even just the tiniest crack in a wall of pain, you are worth the time and space required to be the kind of supporter of your emotional wellbeing you wish to experience from others.
This is the heart of emotional freedom.
All For Love,