Here we are on the one day accepted by many in the western world (and elsewhere) as a day of love and peace.
Jesus exemplified those qualities. Almost anyone who comes in contact with his teachings ends up trying to emulate him.
I was born to Jewish parents … like Jesus. But I’ve never found any other teacher’s words as memorable as his.
His teachings on non-duality are like Zen choans which you can’t get out of your head. I and my Father are One. I am in my Father and my Father is in me. Though we are one, the Father is greater than I. Oh, my heavens! Someone turn these little gems off please? I can’t sleep!
He’s addressing the purpose of life in the directest of language. But we have to open to that level of meaning to get it.
That’s it, isn’t it? Getting something only intellectually is pretty Third Dimensional, wouldn’t you agree? To realize it is Fifth Dimensional and higher.
The truth, as Jesus taught, will set us free from illusion. That will bring on bliss, the Great Comforter.
Bliss elevates us and brings on realization.
Realization simply means that we’re living on a higher plane for a brief time and from that higher plane seeing what we could not see otherwise.
A higher-dimensional being watching us might think that we woke up for a moment (conscious awareness) and then went back to sleep (unconscious awareness).
No teachers’ wisdom is more concise than Jesus’s. No master’s presentation is more lovingly persuasive.
In this way and for these reasons, following Jesus’s words and example appeal to me. I don’t need to be persuaded. His words speak for themselves.
I once interviewed him on An Hour with an Angel and asked him what he meant when he said, “I am the Light.” Was he talking about himself as a person or the Self/Christ/Atman? He replied:
Steve Beckow: And when you say, “I am the light,” who is “I am”? Are you speaking as Jesus or are you speaking as the Christ, as the Light?
Jesus: No, I am speaking as the Light. (1)
I call that Self the Christ. Hindus call it the Atman. Buddhists call it your Buddha nature. It is known to all religions, or should be!
Is that not the essence of non-dual philosophy: That the eternal “I” is the Light – the truth, the way, and the life? I think it is. (2) That “I” turns out to be the Universal Subject, the only One. I and my Father are One. Who made that very simple assertion?
Merry Christmas to all who love Jesus! OK, OK, to everyone!
From all of us here at the Golden Age of Gaia
and me
(1) “Transcript of an Hour with an Angel, with Jesus, Jan. 16, 2012,” at
(2) If a person sees the Light of the Self in a fourth-chakra enlightenment experience, it eventually dissipates. This Light is known now as the truth. The way to use this opportunity is to meditate upon that Light. The Light will open onto greater and greater levels of Light. In this manner is it the way. Meditated upon until its dramatic conclusion in Ascension, the Light, now revealed as transcendent, has us leave the Third Dimension where we must be born and die into the “eternal life” of the Fifth Dimension, where we need not be born or die.
We have always been eternal, but now we need not go in and out of materiality – we need “go no more out.”