Personal growth has nothing to do with bossing yourself around.
If there is a desire to change, an impulse to challenge a personal edge, or a deep curiosity to venture in a direction not conventionally explored, it can be accomplished from the deepest love for yourself and all the life-changing experiences you are worthy of receiving.
Personal growth has nothing to do with whipping yourself into shape, micro-managing your behavior, or being a bully to the one in you who has already endured and survived the unthinkable.
Personal growth is not about being an accomplice to the suffering, neglect, and abuses you’ve endured through inner criticism or self-judgment. It is where sacred space is created, so you may dive into the center of your experience to rediscover a timeless eternal reality that wears your body as its most breath-taking work of art.
Personal growth is only a means of improvement when seeing how miraculously you are able to grow when improving the way you care, treat, and speak to yourself. From this space, personal growth is a choice that only love can embrace.
Please enjoy this newsletter, and a warm hug from my heart to yours.
All For Love,