Jeff Street, Divine Cosmos, Oct. 10, 2017
Highly evolved beings, and the civilizations that they create, embrace principles and ways of being that create highly beneficial outcomes for all. Their civilizations are characterized by cooperation, harmony, and love rather than competition, conflict, and fear. The net result is civilizations where freedom, prosperity, and happiness abound. Their example serves as a great model for Humanity to emulate if it truly wants to create the better world that many of us are hoping for.
What highly evolved civilizations you ask? Well believe it or not, there are many highly evolved civilizations within our galaxy, and many more beyond.
There are two reasons that their existence is not apparent to us; (1) most of them exist in higher dimensions of our physical universe, so they’re not visible to us, and (2) they aren’t all that interested in direct interactions with a civilization as primitive as ours. But rest assured that many of these civilizations are very interested in facilitating the evolution of Humanity and are doing so in a number of subtle ways behind the scenes. This is a fascinating topic beyond the scope of this article that I may explore in the future, follow the blog to stay tuned.
I was inspired to write this article by the in-depth discussion of this topic found in the book Conversations with God, Book 4: Awaken the Species and this article is essentially a summary of that discussion peppered with my own insights. So without further ado, let’s dive into the top ten ways of being of highly evolved civilizations.
#1 – They Deeply Understand the Unity of All Life and Live Congruently
Highly evolved beings know the Oneness of all — they know we are all parts of a singular, yet multi-threaded, consciousness that is All That Is. They know that any apparent separation is an illusion because everything is part of one thing and it is all interconnected and interdependent. They know that any action they take that effects another being or thing ultimately effects everything else.
This is the single most important realization any being can have and in civilizations created by beings with this understanding it is the foundation of their way of life. They deeply know that what they do to another they are ultimately doing to themselves — and hence they treat everyone and everything with great care and respect.
#2 – They Always Tell The Truth
Highly evolved beings always tell the truth. They are essentially incapable of lying. They have deeply learned that deceiving themselves or others is counterproductive to achieving their highest intentions and desires, so they have absolutely no interest in lying. But even if they did, any attempt to do so would be easily detected by all those listening.
At the level of consciousness of highly evolved beings, their ability to sense energy and vibration is greatly enhanced (everything is energy; matter, light, thoughts, emotion, etc) and so any attempt to communicate something that is untrue would be readily apparent to all listening. At this level, a being cannot communicate something that is untrue and not radically alter the energy they are emitting.
In stark contrast, denial and deception run rampant in Humanity — we frequently lie to ourselves as well as others, and we are easily deceived. Only by transcending separation consciousness, only when we realize that we are all expressions of the same one consciousness, the same one being, and by embracing the unity and equality of all beingness will we eliminate the need to deceive and avoid all the associated undesirable consequences.
As an example of how we lie to ourselves, consider the violence that is portrayed in our entertainment and its connection to the increasing violence in our society. The portrayal of violence runs rampant in our movies and TV programs, in our video games, and even in our children’s toys. You’d have a hard time convincing a highly evolved being that the constant stream of violent images we bombard our children with has no effects on their beliefs, attitudes, and behavior.
Humanity, on the other hand, can’t seem to admit that the increasing violence in our society arises, at least in part, from the continual onslaught of such images. Because if we did, we’d have to do something about it, and we feel powerless, so we just ignore it.
This pattern of seeing self-damaging behaviors and then doing nothing about them is a classic sign of immature beings. Highly evolved beings never hide from the truth, and they always speak the truth. And of course, when they speak the truth they also take congruent and appropriate action which is the subject of the next two points.
#3 – They Always Do What They Say
Highly evolved beings have a habit of speaking their truth, and they also have a habit of following through with what they say they will do, whether it is said to others or themselves. Their actions are always consistent with their words, they don’t say one thing and do another.
Humans on the other hand, often say one thing and do another — and then ignore, deny, or lie about it! Obvious examples abound.
For highly evolved beings, sticking to their word is a matter of honor and integrity. If they don’t think they’ll be likely, or able, to do something they don’t say it. If on the other hand, they meant what they said, but later they find they can’t keep their word because of unexpected circumstances, they will face it squarely and go talk to everyone involved to clear it up. They will humbly and truthfully explain why they won’t be able to do what you said.
(Continued in Part 2, tomorrow.)