I’d like to stop here and summarize what it is I’m doing.
I’m writing an Ascension ethnography so that posterity (including people on other planets) can read and watch what a gradual Ascension in a Third/Fourth-Dimensional human body looked like.
I’m writing it to provide historians with an account by a cultural historian.
I’m writing it to provide you with a mirror to possibly see yourself here. If it helps to identify a process that someone else is going through and proves helpful, I’m happy.
I’m not using a sociological, anthropological, or historical approach.
I’m following the spiritual path of awareness, taking cognizance of a world that empirical materialism does not recognize as existing.
The particular conventions I’m following are western rather than eastern. The western Growth Movement of the Seventies took the awareness path as far as it was destined to go in its last incarnation in my part of the world. The workshops were thriving; growth centers like Esalen and Cold Mountain thrived; “circuit riders” went from one center to another.
And then the recession of the early Eighties with its jobless recovery wiped out most people’s ability to afford growth courses.
Our shared social customs come with lots of social conditioning, but when one turns the spotlight of awareness on him or herself, what one sees and learns is not fashionable or trendy, but timeless and productive.
That’s why spirituality is one of the few fields where we can cite authors from many different eras, know what it is they’re talking about, and validate their experiences. We go through the same experiences. They don’t change over time, as so much else does.
However, take the study of astronomy or medicine and there’s a definite progression to the field. People practicing four hundred years ago are looked upon as being less well informed.
But the same is not true of sages four hundred or two thousand years ago. The basics and events of enlightenment, though the Mother may change its form, timing, and other circumstances, remains fundamentally the same.
How many sages started their spiritual careers by seeing a light brighter than a thousand, million suns? Did seeing the Self ever go out of fashion? Did any earthly experience we’ve ever had eclipse it?
How many then saw the rise of their kundalini set off further, senior instances of enlightenment? Perhaps all?
Does studying astronomy or medicine lead to bliss? Peace? Insight? Perhaps with a few.
My testable hypothesis on the awareness path is that the truth will set us free from our upsets and issues. And our upsets and issues are themselves the obstacle to enlightenment.
I offer my own experiences as data to test that hypothesis. So far, like all good graduate students, I have ransacked heaven and earth for support for my thesis. Naturally I’ve proved it correct. (What else would you expect?)
So that’s what I’m up to.
At some point along the way, the Reval will happen. At some point after that (a month or so for vacation), work will start in earnest. At some further point, the culmination of Ascension – sahaja nirvikalpa samadhi – will happen. We’ll be joined by our star family, who originally seeded our stock into the Earth.
I intend to expand to do this work and you’ll hear about that. I hope some day to be joined by other writers who also ply the awareness path.
Self-awareness leads to Self-knowledge and arriving at Self-knowledge is the purpose of life. (1) What more important work is there, in the vastness of time, than becoming aware of and realizing who we are?
(1) See “What is the Purpose of Life?” February 24, 2020, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2020/02/24/306794/