Background on the 13th Octave
I have taken a variety of channeled excerpts to assist folks in more fully understanding the nature of the offering of the 13th Octave.
Greetings from the Council of Love. I am Jesus Sananda. The doorway to the 13th Octave beckons you. The opening has been accomplished through a miracle, a gift of Love from our one Divine Being to your divine being, united in heart. It is our dearest wish that you enter, it is why you have prepared and endured all the trials, tribulation and chaos of this and many lifetimes. The answers to universal questions that have plagued you lie beyond this gateway. This opportunity is unique in the experience of your planet, it has never occurred. You are presented with an invitation engraved with the lettering of the celestial stars, the energy of the Divine. Those of you who intend to enter know who you are, and will resonate throughout your entire being to this message.
The 13th Octave is beyond your concept of time or space; it is completely beyond your grid or the grid of physicality. It is beyond your dimension; it is the state of being united with All – all that is, all that ever could be, all that ever has been. The cycle of the twelve existences, the twelve planes that which the human race is able to experience will continue for the many on Earth who do not choose or are not as yet prepared to enter this state of being. But for those who have chosen long ago, who have been encoded with the genetic and soul desire to enter, the doorway is opened to the next level, the next circle.
One of the primary reasons for the opening of the doorway at this time is because of the spiritual progress and self sacrifice of Earth. Through her mission of service, in harmony and in conjunction with those aligned with her energy grid, she has catapulted herself to the end of possible experience within your grid. She seeks entry to a new octave, a completely different realm of existence. Her prayers have been heard and answered and the doorway was been loosened for a brief period in the 1990 – early 2000s. Those of you who wish to travel with her to the 13th need to do so as quickly as possible. Clear self of all blockages and debris enter into the state of love and serenity and align with the Light. The doorway is opened, and time, in the very practical sense of which it is applied on Earth, is of the essence. Earth will exist in the seventh dimension but walk in a new reality.
In the distant future there will be a time when all go to the 13th Octave. At that point the planet and those upon it will simply become the brilliant gold, only sheer energy, sheer Light and it will be done. But it begins now with a small few who have this opportunity. However, all are told of the vision so they will travel their path and know that there is assistance, guidance and hope. It is the lack of hope, the lack of dreams that have held so many on this planet away from Love, away from the wholeness of their being, which has kept us in separateness.
Wholehearted surrender not to God but to self is necessary for entry. It is the most selfish act and the most selfless undertaking, it is the leap of faith, it is the believing in the miracles of Love with absolutely no evidence. But those who have been chosen, who have nominated themselves long ago, are fully capable of this exit and entry. They are not alone; look through the door, we all await you, yes thirteen holy ones for certain but also the entire Legion of Light. It is a welcome home party, all has been prepared. Afterward, you will go back through the door altered and whole to assist others in their journey as well. None will be left unaided, even those who refuse will be aided by the Light penetrating the darkness until it no longer exists. There will be many miracles to observe. So prepare and enter.
I am James the Apostle of Our Lord Jesus Christ, Savior, Son of Yahweh. Greetings, I am Master of the Green Ray, guardian of the sacred doorway, portal to the heart. Much as the seventh dimension is the dimension of love, the dimension of wholeness, the dimension where all who exist with the purpose and existence and unity of love come to be, the 13th Octave is the place for the ascension of that love beyond any conscious reality.
When one moves beyond dimension, or when there is physical movement or manifestation back and forth between dimensions within the physical, then there is a pureness of being, a sheer energy. This is the existence of the 13th Octave. One cannot enter that state unless they are one with love. This entails a total and complete clearing of past, of future, of all existence, and, unification with heart. The energy is this strong; stronger than anything that has previously been felt upon your planet. So while your feet will remain embedded on this Earth, your higher chakras from the heart upward will exist elsewhere. It is an extension that will leave you breathless. So, as you learn to clear know that it is essential for you to also expand, for clearing is meant to expand, not to decompress.
On the physical plane, entry through the doorway can be individual or as a group, it matters not. On this plane you must pass through one at a time, it cannot be a group exercise; it is a soul/sole journey. You will return with gifts of energy, but understand that everything will have changed. There will never be a similar feeling to how you now exist. The primary gift you will bring back is a gift of healing heart; simply be looking at another and esoterically touching their heart you will open them. You will see a transparent energy flowing clearly upon a grid. This type of vision can be used for seeing heart blockages regardless of where they are located on the grid. You will be able to see clearly who you are dealing with, there can be no hiding from someone from the 13th, it is impossible.
Know that upon returning that you will also be an anchor for the seventh dimension. The Earth has moved but all is hovering, none of the energy has been anchored. There is need for anchoring. This is a time of birthing and know there is a time when the energy could move backwards pulled by the denseness of the energy of those who sit upon her. That is why we all try to buoy her up at this time and all are encouraged to do so. That is why there is a huge need for heart opening and surrender to Love. The more of you who pass through the more the energy will be anchored, and, the firm commitment to remaining in the seventh dimension will transpire.
It is not clear, given the choice of free will, how many will join but there is immediate opportunity for that many within this window of opportunity. It is interesting to us how there are beings who hold a high enough vibration that the opportunity is open to them but who choose not to move. It is a chance to be of such service to so many souls created by the same spark of Light from which we all emanate, it is strange that some will refuse. Some will not be clear enough to complete. But there will be others who will leap ahead, the ones you would term dark horses, who in Light, Love and Joy will spread that vibration not only on Earth but throughout the Universe. This energy moves far beyond the planet, when we say it is off the grid understand that it is far off the planetary grid.
Greetings, I am Gabrielle, herald of God and messenger of One. Know that the octave of which we speak is similar to all other octaves. Think of an octave as a universal system of measurement for the process of the beginning and completion of a spiritual undertaking. The process that the Earth has been involved in to date has been the process of the seventh and eighth octave; the completion of the eighth having just taken place. Know that this reference is solely for Earth, for there are those who sit upon her who participate in other octaves as well. It is similar to being in school, you can be in the eighth grade but take classes elsewhere. However, none on your planet have ever been past the 9th prior to this time; the 13th has not been available to you.
So it is a new undertaking for many, including Earth. The doorway of which we speak began opening in June 1997 and will be fully opened in December. It will remain open for a full year until December 1998 at it closed. If the 144,000 of which we have spoken have not passed through and returned by that time then they will not do so. The doorway will be open for the rest of the population at a much later date, the timing of which has yet to be determined but it will be well into the 21st century and certainly following 2012.
The purpose of this rather small group passing through the doorway to the 13th Octave at this time is for those who have self-elected to enter into a state of wholeness, complete awareness by and through association not only with their 13 Ascended Masters but with the entire Legions of Light, in order to return to Earth and assist others in their spiritual journey. It is part of their service contract, their commitment to the Divine. They have chosen long ago to travel the spiritual expressway rather than enjoy the scenic route. It is a soul decision to act as a catalyst for the unfoldment of the Divine Plan. There has been much preparation, not only in this lifetime but for eons. The miracle of the early opening has occurred. The time is now. The invitations are issued and the guests assembled, plan and intend from the deepest core of your being to attend. Go in peace.
If you wish to learn more or to participate in the upcoming 13th Octave Initiation Intensive please visit our Landing Page