On several occasions, I’ve felt that we’re already in the Fifth Dimension and just don’t realize it. Because we think we’re still in the Third or Fourth, well, we are!
I asked Archangel Michael about it.
Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Aug. 5, 2020. Thanks to Dana for our transcript.
Steve: I know that Gaia is in 7D. Are we in 5D and we just don’t realize it?
Archangel Michael: That is correct. Now if you’re thinking where you are anchored, humanity… Gaia and the kingdoms, etc., are very firmly anchored in the seventh dimension of love and have been for quite some time.
Now think of it in this way. I will give you an analogy because this will also help our readers to understand. Think of humanity in a boat. It doesn’t necessarily have to be a big boat but I want you to place this on the ocean or a raging river. No, not Niagara Falls but where there are currents and tide and movement.
Now what humanity has done is that they have dropped the anchor but the anchor is not firm so there is drag. There is massive, massive drag on that anchor and so the boat is drifting. It is drifting hither and yon and that is part of the reason for much of the confusion about where are we.
Now the other piece of this is, as I have just said to thee, is that human beings like to live (and this is a huge challenge for you and for us) either in the past or in the future. So there is a lack of solidity, a lack of that anchoring and paying attention to the anchoring about where you are right now.
So they are looking to the past, “Oh, we are still in the third” and then they believe that. It is a false notion. It is incorrect. And the Mother and I and many have been saying to you that the whispers and the illusions of the old third have been disappearing for years.
Nevertheless, think of it in this way. There are many people who love to say, “things are exactly the same as there were,” even though they are not. So it is not a criticism it is simply an observation that they are choosing to reflect backwards rather than forwards.
There is also a reluctance to ignore or to waver, let us use that word, to waver in so far as the acceptance or the anchoring of the various qualities of the dimensions thinking that the rational is, “either we are in the third, the fourth, the fifth and so on.”
When in fact you can drift, and have been drifting (no, not to the 12th unfortunately) but you have certainly been drifting in the realm, near the shore of the third to the seventh. Some are very clearly anchored in the seventh but they still visit the third, the fifth, the sixth, and so on.
So, if you were to capsulize it, humanity is in the process of change. They are in the fifth dimension but they are hoping, praying and looking (and that is a good thing) for the magic because the magic emanates from the fourth throughout every dimension.
So they are looking for the magic, and all they are seeing is the change, and the management of change and the chaos. So they do not feel that they have arrived in Jerusalem as yet and so there is confusion.
But what we would suggest is that if you are to make a generalized statement is that the collective humanity, these beautiful Gaians, are in fact more firmly anchored in the fifth than anywhere. Is that clear?