I’d like to explore some topics relevant to the Covid-19 pandemic that’s happening today, in a question-and-answer format, for quick release.
Q: How much of what is placed before us is the true reality?
Mike Quinsey’s Higher Self: The fact is that you have been living in a make believe era where little that is placed before you is the true reality. The dark Ones have for a long time controlled the “News” and hidden the real truth, and fed you distortions or even lies to stop you finding out what was really going on. (1)
Jesus through John: At present there is much confusion and fear as the media does its utmost to focus your attention on the negative aspects of the Coronavirus. (2)
Q: Why are things being kept under wraps?
Federation of Light: Understand that we simply find it unethical and ‘dangerous’ (for you) to reveal too much to you. There are those that do not wish ‘too much’ to be ‘sought out’ too soon. (3)
FOL: To continue on ‘how much Truth comes out’ … we said this is now under discussion … and continues to be. There indeed, will be so much TRUTH that is revealed … more than enough by far, to send one’s mind, soul and very Being reeling through utter disbelief. (4)
Q: On the side of the good the bad or the ugly?
FOL: The side of the Good cannot reveal or uncover that which is to be revealed and uncovered before the correct time. We can only ask you to prepare in strength and Light in the ABSOLUTE CERTAINTY OF WHO YOU ARE … with no doubts and fears and distractions attached.
The side of the bad do not wish any leakage of plans, for this could disrupt greatly and also, as we say, be seriously dangerous to the one(s) speaking out ‘ahead of time’ about something they should not know. (5)
Q: Sounds like it’s going to be in our faces.
FOL: All these things we have said will be ‘in your face’ and much discernment will be needed.
Yet, now do you see? Not only discernment about what you hear and read and watch, yet, discernment in these times, as to what you feel reasonable to say to those who do not understand what is going on. …
There is so much going on right beneath your noses and yet, it is still kept under wraps. That which is taking place is releasing from … that which is/has been … and all such knowledgeable atrocities are being cracked open. Hence, much sadness, anger and all forms of lower vibrational exposé entering into your very air.
This is clean up time, Dearest Ones. And many of you are going to places whilst you ‘think’ you are asleep and working so hard to transform the fear into its natural state of Love.
So much undercover work is being ‘seen through’. This is why so many are finding tiredness of great depth when they awaken. (6)
Q: Can we expect to see the mainstream media honestly report an outbreak or its failure?
Matthew Ward: No one can report that once again the Light is insuring that the Illuminati’s intention to create a pandemic and worldwide fear is a failure. (7)
Q: Are most journalists corrupt?
Matthew: Most press, radio and TV journalists don’t know that the information they report from wire services and other sources is what media’s dark controllers want the public to believe.
Few journalists know that often information they call “fake” news is, instead, the truth. For instance, when the pedophile ring came to light in the Washington, DC, area that is serving members of the US government and visiting dignitaries—this became known as “Pizzagate”—dark ones quickly labeled it fake news and unwitting reporters echoed that falsehood. A term of longstanding that was devised to hide the truth is conspiracy theory, and the public has been programmed to consign to the trash heap whatever media reports as such.
Although many still do believe that information to which either term is attached is lies or crazy ideas, others are realizing that issues are thusly labeled as cover-ups, and that is due to the efforts of journalists around the globe whose exhaustive research has exposed the pervasive corruption within their own industry; corporations; medical, entertainment and sports fields; governments and financial institutions.
We honor these men and women, whose soul contracts include not only writing talent, perseverance and courage, but the potential of professional discrediting, imprisonment or assassination because of their dedication to uncovering and publishing the truth. It should not be surprising that a large number of them are souls from other civilizations who volunteered to incarnate on Earth to serve in this capacity. (8)
Q: When will the mainstream media start to come clean?
Federation of Light: ‘In a short while’ … when ‘an Occurrence’ takes place that will shock the world. And we are not speaking of the Event at this point.
There shall be an announcement made that sends everyone into a spin. It will not be able to be kept out of your mainstream media for it will be in accordance with the Divine Plan and it will not be able to be swept under the carpet.
It will also put your media into a new position … for many that ‘present news’ will have their thoughts turned upside down and feel they have to follow the Truth. (9)
Matthew: When the monumental level of corruption and deception in your world is exposed, even mainstream media will not be able to silence the revelations.
National and international icons will be “dethroned”; dishonest and tyrannical government leaders will be replaced by ones who are benevolent and wise; where war mentality exists, it will give way to peaceful negotiation and poverty will give way to fair allocation of the world’s resources.
But please be patient! What is happening is not a revolution; it is spiritual evolution—that is the way of the light! It is the way of lightworkers and light warriors, whose armor and weapon against the darkness is the power of love.
Love is the same energy as light, simply expressed differently, and it is the most powerful energy in the cosmos. This is why so often messengers of the light have urged you to send light-love to the dark ones.
As parts of the Oneness of All, they are your soul-level brothers and sisters who are experiencing the painful absence of love essence in their lives. That absence underlies their negative motives and actions that have provided conditions necessary for the multitudes to complete third density’s karmic lessons. Knowing this universal truth engenders feelings of compassion and gratitude and the beaming of love to those who lack it. (10)
(1) Mike Quinsey, Nov. 16, 2018, at http://www.treeofthegoldenlight.com/First_Contact/Channeled_Messages_by_Mike_Quinsey.htm.
(2) “Jesus through John – Truly, even in These Unsettling Times, There is Enormous Reason for Hope and for Joy,” April 22, 2020, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2020/04/22/jesus-through-john-truly-even-in-these-unsettling-times-there-is-enormous-reason-for-hope-and-for-joy/.
(3) The Federation of Light through Blossom Goodchild, April 18, 2020, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2020/04/18/the-federation-of-light-through-blossom-goodchild-april-18-2020/. (Afterwards FOL.)
(4) FOL, March 3, 2020,” at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2020/03/03/3rd-march-by-blossom-goodchild-the-federation-of-light/. (Afterwards FOL.)
(5) Ibid., April 25, 2020, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2020/04/25/the-federation-of-light-via-blossom-goodchild-april-25-2020/.
(6) Ibid., April 18, 2020, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2020/04/18/the-federation-of-light-through-blossom-goodchild-april-18-2020/.)
(7) Matthew’s Message, Oct. 19, 2014, at https://www.matthewbooks.com
(8) Ibid., Feb. 14, 2019.
(9) FOL, April 25, 2020, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2020/04/25/the-federation-of-light-via-blossom-goodchild-april-25-2020/.
(10) Matthew’s Message, July 18, 2009.