I’d like to draw attention to an old way of seeing things, which our future is proving less and less relevant or applicable.
I maintain that western culture has a bias towards seeing action as more honorable than speaking, and speaking as more honorable than just thinking.
I also maintain that, at some level we respect the meme that might makes right. Well, depending on which country we sit in.
Shock and awe. Masters of the universe. We want and honor strong leaders. Our whole leaning is towards strong and decisive action.
But I’m noticing a trend going in the opposite direction.
It arises because I had a conversation with myself which I periodically have: Steve, never mind all this writing. You have to doooooooooo something.
As if writing is not doooooooing something. Well, I protested that writing was doing. I pointed to the Internet, social media, hashtags, and ended up in the collective consciousness.
From there I went to telepathy and instantaneous manifestation. Before too long, it seemed that anything important that would have required action before was now requiring no more than thought. There was no effort involved.
That’s the environment of our future, correct? This is after Ascension.
By the time we’re drawing on telepathy, we’re ascended beings. That means we’re immersed in love.
That means that whatever bodies we’ll find ourselves in then, they’ll function as perfectly as they’re ever designed to do – to date (it’ll get better). Love brings things into right alignment.
So my counter-argument is that might and action are not the ways of the future. Love and thought are. On the higher dimensions, love and thought are our tools.
Love because we’re immersed in it. Thought because thought is creative in the higher realms.
Does that mean that everyone in the higher dimensions is reclining on a Roman couch with a drink in their hands? Some may be. People are welcome to try on spaces.
But we know of one large group who are very active: all who act as spirit guides to those of us still in the physical body. I have four guides. They don’t always tune in to me but they’re always attuned to me. They’re not lying around on Roman couches.
Others are on ships like the Neptune, helping those on lower dimensions through other means. Still others work on the lower dimensions of the astral realm. What unites them all is service to the Divine Plan, as far as they know it.
Of that Plan, I know only one thing: Enlightenment is the purpose of life. That’s it. That one thing is all I know for sure.
But where it has led.
So thinking will survive into the future, to supersede action. And love will totally overwhelm might. Might does not make right, it turns out. Love does. Love makes all things right.