Who is Poof? (1)
Greetings and Salutations,
We are saying that movement is occurring! We are saying that we have seen evidence that much is being done to shift the burden from a few to a larger crew of people who can get this work done.
We are saying to make every minute count and do your own homework as always. Feel sure of yourself and your intentions.
The shifting of energies that is being felt is no small matter and the efforts of those who have been the loyal stakeholders are to be commended.
We are assuring all that the wheels of this gigantic resistance time machine are coming off and the whole thing is coming to rest in a nice graveyard type environment.
We are happy to report that we feel confident that more is going to be forthcoming that will be savored and bring peace of mind to the many. There are those who hold out for large funds, but be at peace about that. That was a carrot that got you involved and brought your name into the hoppers for change. If it took that, so be it. …. (2)
Wake up, get up, get out, make the case, find followers and dig into your known historical importance of all that is about occur.. Do not let the power mongers run afoul and gain a foothold in the social government escapades under way. That isn’t serving the people.
It is coming soon, very soon! And it is going to be amazing to the many doubters in your midst.
(1) “Poof” is J. A. Holmes, who gave us his “intel” regularly some years ago, before the Deep State offed him. Or was it “suicide”?
Now he communicates from the other side. He has a ringside seat. I put a lot of credence in his enhanced observations.
On Poof’s passing in 2013, Sanat Kumara eulogized him:
“Poof has been welcomed with great fanfare. Celebration. Now, this is not unusual, for this is the way in which this process is undergone. But as you well know, this has been a trusted and faithful communicator and servant, and one that has completed the mission — or at least, as it was perceived, let us put it that way.
“There are no immediate plans, for this one, as I have said to you before, or Michael has, he deserves a good rest. And besides which, he is quite confident that he can affect and do a great deal of work from what you think of as this side as well. It is amazing, in many ways, what can be accomplished when you do not have the confines of a mortal body.
“Now, I am not suggesting to any of you that it’s a good idea to leave your body, for that is all in divine order and your timing. But it is incorrect thinking if you decide to leave your body because you think that you can do better work or more fulfilling work from this side.
“But Poof has literally been true to his name. He has gone up in smoke. And he has arrived home, at peace, in joy and love, and he will be in constant communication with his beloved wife.” (“Sanat Kumara: Many of You Have Already Ascended and Straddle Dimensions,” May 28, 2013, http://goldenageofgaia.com/2013/05/sanat-kumara-many-of-you-have-already-ascended-and-straddle-dimensions/.)
(2) I think Poof is referring to outrageously large rates.