We at the Golden Age of Gaia do realize that our readership has varied interests and priorities.
I’ve been receiving reader’s email messages sent to this blog for quite a while now, and it’s clear that there are many folks who would much prefer to see only uplifting articles and things of Spirit here. We honor that desire.
At the same time, it’s also true that there are plenty of folks who, like myself, are very much interested in observing the fascinating and dynamic story of the Ascension of Gaia from an accountability perspective.
It’s not so much about blame as it is about setting things right, and the joyful feelings that come with knowing that it’s really happening. We truly are freeing ourselves from the erroneous belief that we are anything less than sovereign beings of Light, and it’s reflected on the world stage and in politics right now.
Always with great respect and appreciation for those participating in this epic undertaking. Thank God for the Patriots in our own governments and around the world in positions of power, willing to give everything to the mission.
Not to forget the Anons who dig for information based on the crumbs dropped by Qanon, and the Qanon Team…and absolutely not to leave out Q+.
We have some really smart and dedicated people posting archived stories on 8Kun and VOAT that would otherwise be lost, and they’re connecting dots and filling in blanks for others to share.
Then there are all the independent journalists like Jordan Sather and Praying Medic, two of my own initial serious red-pill sources. There are so many others doing excellent work, and for those of you who also follow Q, you know who they are. We have our favorites, eh?
And maybe most significant are our friends in the rafters…our invisible guidance and loving support teams. We have much to be grateful for and we look forward with Joy to the many reunions with our Galactic friends
As you may know, I used to be the Accountability and Politics Editor for this blog. Once the decision was made to refrain from covering such stories here, I needed an outlet for all the things I was learning about from poking around the web. There’s so much going on right now that it’s hard to keep up, and impossible for me to ignore.
To keep myself happy and furnished with an outlet for all this information, I’ve created my own page on Patreon.
There’ll be alternate news stories gathered from a variety of sources there as well as commentary on current events and original writing. Although I have to say that for the time being, writing has taken a bit of a back seat. I’ll get back to it.
For clarity and to avoid any disappointment, my page reflects that I am in support of my President and am truly grateful that he took the position. The view from altitude is getting pretty darn good.
If you aren’t familiar with how Patreon works, it’s a way for content creators to be supported in order to keep creating. I’m making all my posts available for just $1/month. You can certainly make your contribution be more than that as you wish, but it’s all at your fingertips for just a buck.