I’d like to continue the discussion of dimensionality, looking particularly at the idea of descent rather than ascent.
Terrestrial sages did not discuss it. Michael once said:
“Now [in olden times] that sense of bringing others along wasn’t defined by dimensions. It was more a teacher/student, sage/novitiate relationship. So the framework was very different.” (1)
When Jacob dreamt his dream of angels on a ladder that went to heaven, he saw them descending as well as ascending.
There are many examples of such a descent.
An avatar such as Sri Ramakrishna or Lord Krishna is a descent of the Divine into matter.
Lightworkers are for the most part angels and we’ve descended from our native dimensions (or in some cases from beyond the twelve dimensions, in the Transcendental, for those who may not have been living in the dimensional universe) to participate in Gaia’s Ascension.
St. Germaine, whom Michael told me ascended not after his lifetime as Sir Francis Bacon as is popularly assumed, but in Atlantis, (2) descended into matter and lived for hundreds of years before leaving this dimension and returning to his own.
Ashtar once said to me that he would descend from his place, which was beyond the Twelfth Dimension, as far as the Fifth to communicate with us and no lower:
Ashtar: What we have done is we have brought our vibrations to the fifth dimension in order to be at a place where we can meet you. If you are to think of the human realm and what is available currently to you, if you were looking for me, I would be out of the realm of human experience. So, let us make that clear as well.
Steve Beckow: That means above the twelfth dimension, is that correct?
A: That is correct. (3)
So a descent down Jacob’s Ladder of consciousness doesn’t necessarily mean a devolution of consciousness. It could be – as in the case of lightworkers – an act of service to others.
Now I’d like to focus on Oneness and the descent into the lower dimensions.
At this dense dimension of physicality into which we lightworkrs have descended, we remain One and yet are different. It’s not an easy topic to discuss until we introduce the notion of dimensions into the equation.
We are One at our essence. Our essence eternally exists at a level beyond the dimensions, beyond matter (mater, Mother), beyond the power of words to discuss.
Sri Ramakrisha described, through his metaphor of the salt doll wanting to measure the ocean, the difficulty of talking about things at that level of existence.
“The nature of Brahman [God, the Infinite] cannot be described. About it one remains silent. Who can explain the Infinite in words? … Once a salt doll went to the ocean to measure its depth. But it could not come back to give a report.” (4)
“No sooner did it get into the water than it melted. Now who was there to report the ocean’s depth?” (5)
In a second metaphor, he compared the situation to men who scale a wall and see a wondrous sight:
“Once four friends, in the course of a walk, saw a place enclosed by a wall. The wall was very high. They all became eager to know what was inside. One of them climbed to the top of the wall. What he saw on looking inside made him speechless with wonder.
“He only cried, ‘Ah! Ah!’ and dropped in. He could not give any information on what he saw. The others, too, climbed the wall, uttered the same cry, ‘Ah! Ah!,’ and jumped in. Now who could tell what was inside?” (6)
Similarly if we merge again with the Father, as the small golden star in my 1987 vision did with the large Golden Sun, (6) who is left to report on the experience? The golden star is gone.
As we descend into matter, not only does our consciousness vibrate at lower and lower rates, but we find ourselves in a different body on each level to allow us to act and interact with others.
On the Third Dimension we don what we think of as a “physical” body. Hindus call it annamayakosha – the food body.
But when we leave the Earth plane after “death,” we first find ourselves in an etheric body and then in an astral or Fourth-Dimensional body.
We leave this at some point for a mental or Fifth-Dimensional body (i.e., ascend) and continue on up Jacob’s Ladder, eventually reaching formless dimensions.
One could say that the differences among us at the lower-dimensional levels are quite obvious but that they get less and less obvious as we mount Jacob’s ladder.
Thus our differences become more and more pronounced as we descend into density or dimensionality and less and less pronounced as we ascend. While it’s hard to see how we are One at a Third/Fourth-Dimensional level of density, it would be plain as day at the highest levels.
(1) Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Feb. 17, 2017.
(2) Steve Beckow: When did St. Germaine ascend?
Archangel Michael: You mean WHICH time?
SB: The first time.
AAM: He ascended during the time of Atlantis.
SB: So, it’s not true to say that Francis Bacon was his time of Ascension.
AAM: No, he came back, did it again and came back and did it again. This one is QUITE the revolving door. That is why he says he is NEVER coming back. But we know differently! (Archangel Michael in a personal reading, ibid., Jan. 23, 2015.)
(3) “An Introduction to Enlightenment and the Trinity – Part 2/2,” May 14, 2012, at http://goldenageofgaia.com/2012/05/14/an-introduction-to-enlightenment-and-the-trinity-part-22/.
(4) Paramahansa Ramakrishna in Swami Nikhilananda, trans., The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna. New York: Ramakrishna-Vivekananda Center, 1978; c1942, 218. Sri Ramakrishna was speaking only of Brahmajnana or seventh-chakra enlightenment but the same situation applies to complete merger with the One.
(5) Ibid., 102-3.
(6) Ibid., 268.
(7) See “The Purpose of Life is Enlightenment – Ch. 13 – Epilogue,” at http://goldenageofgaia.com/2011/08/13/the-purpose-of-life-is-enlightenment-ch-13-epilogue/