In my opinion, we may need some new terminology to make sense of the new things we’re encountering.
We also need it to point to new directions and organize our efforts at understanding.
I’m going to use the term “exoculture” to point to the study of other planetary cultures, societies, or civilizations. (1)
I think of it as a meta-field. It examines things which we, here on Earth, often take for granted in our own explorations, things so basic to our existence that they exist in what Werner Erhard called the background of obviousness – organizing principles, theoretical foundations, etc.
Here’s a list of organizing questions exoculture might ask:
(1) What form does life take on the planet?
(2) How did it originate?
(3) Did its creation serve a purpose? If so, how do they see that purpose?
(4) What journeys has it made until now?
(5) What have been the outcomes?
(6) Where do they see their civilization headed?
From this point on, the study branches off into new social-scientific fields like exopsychology, exosociology, exoanthropology, etc.
Altogether new fields of study will open up when our siddhis or psychic powers begin to come online, such as telepathy and creative thought.
And Ascension itself will revolutionize the way we think, feel, and work. It’ll give an entirely-new meaning to the word “game-changer.”
(1) Here’s at least one other use of the term:
What we’re about
Exoculture, Exoconsciousness, and Exopolitics.
The extraterrestrial presence and its implications.
BoulderExo is a local forum designed to encourage awareness and discussion of the extraterrestrial issues including exoculture, the cultural practices of extra-terrestrials…. (“BoulderExo Meetup Group” at httpss://