Ascension is a gradual affair with some sudden “jumps” (such as 4th, 6th, and 7th chakra enlightenments and Sahaja). (1)
Here Archangel Michael reveals that there actually are collective ignition points at which he or the Mother pulls the switch.
While we’re not ready for the full power surge, we are ready for a lesser event – a fourth-chakra heart opening, which Michael has said, elsewhere, is halfway accomplished. (2)
Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Aug. 2, 2019.
Steve: My suspicion is that as a global society we are not yet ready for Sahaja Samadhi [i.e., the full experience of Ascension]. Is that correct?
AAM: You are not quite there. That is correct.
Steve: Is it possible to talk about where the collective kundalini is?
AAM: Once we have talked about the collective unconscious and how that has determined much of the progression, and how it is accessed and how it is not accessed, how the collective consciousness also has grown and shifted and varied.
So when we speak of this, it is important that people understand, not just you, beloved one, because you understand, but for the collective to understand.
The difficulty arises when we speak of such things that people will often translate as applicable to their own personal situation. And while that has implications for the personal situation, it does not necessarily speak to the individual. So we give that proviso. [My emphasis.]
The collective kundalini has been worked on, as you well know, quite literally, for thousands and thousands of years. So to say that it is a slow process would be a dramatic understatement.
Understand, if you look particularly towards the east and all the work that has been done not only in India but Tibet as well and in the mystery schools of ancient times, much of this was always about raising the life force, the kundalini, through awareness, to travel completely not only at the spine but throughout the body and outward.
And much of the individual work, small pockets of work that was done by sex [tantra yoga?], for example, was again part of the work that was done in the collective kundalini.
Right now the focus of the collective kundalini is in the sacral because the focus (that does not mean it does not oscillate up and down) but the focus of the kundalini at this time is in the sacral and in the solar plexus, in the hara [or chi energy center].
So that the beginning, the remembering and the bringing forth of creation energy can truly be in the forefront. This is the biggest shift that the human collective is experiencing.
Steve: Are you waiting until the collective kundalini reaches a certain point before you pull a switch, say in this case, of the heart opening but in other cases, Ascension [Sahaja Samadhi] itself?
AAM: Yes and no. Understand also (you are having a yes-and-no day, are you not?) so think of the kundalini as an old-fashioned mercury thermometer.
And there are periods of time during the day when the thermometer will go very high and it is anchored therefore in the heart chakra. And that is where the focus of the awakened being is.
But that also means on the travel upward that it activates fully the awareness, the desire and the actual physical ability to create and co-create.
So does everybody (the collective) need to be in the heart chakra or higher, even in the high heart? That would be preferable.
[But to answer my question:]
There is a tipping point at which it is sufficient to pull the switch.
(1) Fourth-chakra enlightenment = spiritual awakening or stream entering; could take the form of the sight of the Self or of a heart opening.
Sixth-chakra enlightenment = Savikalpa samadhi or cosmic consciousness.
Seventh-chakra enlightenment – Nirvikalpa samadhi or Brahmanjnana/God Realization.
Sahaja Samadhi is beyond the 3rd-dimensional 7-chakra system and is a permanent and full heart opening.
(2) “Archangel Michael on the Progress of the Planetary Heart Opening,”