I have a growing suspicion that the only way our Nova organizations will be Nova is for them to be, not hierarchical, but tribal.
Tribal means conciliar.
It’s interesting that Gaia’s first representative to Grener’s universal council was a person well versed in conciliar governance – Wakana Taka. (1)
If one is asking oneself how do we govern if it isn’t hierarchical, my answer is from consensus, cooperation, alliance-building. They will all be outgrowths, I think, of the post-Reval donor economy.
It isn’t the case that we’re left flailing, wondering how to run organizations if we give up hierarchies. Heavens, no. The models are all around us. The higher dimensions work on negotiation, win/win, third way, add on, add on, etc. (Admittedly it helps to be bathed in an Ocean of Love.)
We hear of councils going to the highest dimensions we can conceive of. Matthew Ward tells us that he is “one of the highest universal council’s designers of the master plan for Earth’s Golden Age. I could give you firsthand information about it.” (2)
The Lords of Karma form a council. Every space fleet, every federation of star nations has a council.
Each dimension or plane has numerous councils, as the afterlife literature reveals. (3)
In their deliberations, gone will be suspicion, conniving, baiting and other “moves” that are imbued into our way of working in groups and organizations.
Gone as well will be limitation for everything then can be created by thought.
Gone will be the fear of death for there will be no more dying.
I recently have been making a transition from always guarded and suspicious to smiling and happy. I can hardly imagine what group work will look like on Nova Earth, I’m so used to what Michael called “the grumpies.” I have only a few hours behind the controls of this new model.
But I’m willing to bet that Nova Earth will be based on producing happiness – based on what little I know of it – rather than amassing profit.
(1) On Wakana Taka:
Grener: “The primary being who sits at this table with us, as the representative of Earth and as head of your delegation is Wakana Taka [Note: Wakana Taka is Lakhota for the Great Spirit or Great Mystery]. And he is a very ancient being – and notice that I do not say ‘spirit.’ He is the being that has tended those who have tended the council fire of Gaia.” (“Wakana Taka: You Have Shifted, Make No Mistake About It” at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2013/03/02/wakana-taka-you-have-shifted-make-no-mistake-about-it/)
I am Wakana Taka. And yes, I step forward in reverence to our beloved [Archangel] Michael, but not submission, because we are also in partnership the same way you are. And I come and I beckon to both of you as I have beckoned to you many times before, and as I have sat and visited with you at the council fire of Gaia, as you hold this planet steady. (“Wakana Taka: You Have Shifted,” ibid.)
(2) Matthew’s Message, Feb. 3, 2014, at https://mathewbooks.com.
(3) See The Planes of Life at https://goldengaiadb.com/index.php?title=The_Planes_of_Life.