I’m quite struck by what the Lord Arcturus said yesterday:
“Understand what we say: The delegations are coming to you. We didn’t invite you and give you the science and technology – which is actually very simple – to come and visit us.
“So again all the focus is on YOU! We are coming to you! We are coming to your house!
“We are not saying that we want you to be insular. Not insular in the slightest. We most certainly don’t want you to be xenophobic.
“But we want it to be clear. Where the party is being held, where the celebration is being held is upon Gaia because THIS, this grand event, this unfoldment of the Mother’s Plan is on [and for] your planet.” (1)
If I can coattail on his remarks, he seems to want to wake up any of us who are asleep on the matter that this Ascension is the ascension of Gaia and us; our star family is helping but it’s not like this is their celebration or graduation, however you wish to see it. They want us to know that they consider it to be ours.
The consequence of that is that they need people to step up to the plate and “own” this celebration. They need MCs (masters of ceremonies), so to speak.
They need delegations of people ready to take ownership of matters like the celebration itself and the larger state of the planet, as we will, tangibly, after the Reval. Remember what Michael said:
“Those who are in a position of stewardship, of beginning projects that lead the way to the building and the re-creation of what Nova Earth is truly about … [will] become the spokesbeings for many.” (2)
We’re in a position of waiting to begin stewardship but it’s the same pool of lightworkers that he’s pointing to.
The galactics never wanted us to bow and scrape before them. OK, the Annunaki did. It suited their purposes.
But for the galactics around our planet now, bowing and scraping would be so Middle Ages … so Sumerian.
I’m pretty sure they want us to meet them on equal footing, which will probably put our evolution to the test. We’ll have to roll back a long history of social conditioning and mind control. (3)
The Lord Arcturus used words like “brother” and “kindred spirit” throughout our conversation and I noticed how at ease I felt with him. I’m sure they want us to be at ease with them. And I’m sure we will be.
We actually discussed how I should refer to him because I didn’t want to offend the people of Arcturus. And he made a distinction between their use of the word “lord” and ours.
On Gaia, we use it to put people above us and we bow and defer to them, to ensure our survivability. OK, save our skin.
On Arcturus there’s no hierarchy. “Lord” is a term of respect there, much as one would show respect to a judge. A first – or a leader – among equals was the way I took it.
It could be a challenge for us as a society to get this is “our” party and not lapse into Third-Dimensional possessiveness and greed or shrink away out of a sense of planetary unworthiness.
There’ll need to be mutuality of sharing; that seems certain to me. Any relationship that is not reciprocal lapses, it seems. And all we have to offer right now is our thanks.
It’s us – the people – who are being liberated. It’s us who are being dealt with or treated with (as in “treaties”).
When a patient is sick and recovers, everyone is happy. This planet has been sick for a very long time and is now recovering.
And when it recovers, everyone will be happy. That’s the way I think they want us to see and approach things. (4)
We can never have peace on this planet as long as we refuse to end resistance, resentment, and revenge. At some point someone needs to give way and give up. Give up resort to social Darwinism, power politics, and violence. (5)
But that’s just my perspective. I’m sure there are many more perspectives. Until we have the ability to take a planetary vote, we need to hear more of those perspectives. (6) The whole idea of the delegations invites wider and deeper social expression.
(1) “The Lord Arcturus on the Delegations,”June 13, 2019, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2019/06/13/the-lord-arcturus-on-the-delegations/.
Xenophobic = an aversion toward foreigners, racism.
(2) Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, May 27, 2016.
(3) SaLuSa once said that mass social conditioning started with the arrival of advertising on television. Mind control includes subliminal messaging, CIA censorship of news, packaging of local news nation-wide, etc.
(4) They know that love is universal. It flows to the rich man and the poor woman, the white and the black, the Jew and the Muslim. It does not discriminate.
And so for our planet to work we’ll have to switch from revenging ourselves to loving each other. When the energies reach the right level, we will. Of course, many would like us to do it sooner.
(5) Social Darwinism is the application of Darwin’s theories on the struggle for survival and natural selection to society, politics, and economics. Social Darwinists hold that life is a struggle for existence in which only the fittest survive. The weakest must go to the wall.
And anyone with conspicuous wealth is obviously among the fittest.
Social class got an entirely new foundation, buoyancy, and lease on life from it. Now it was no longer bloodlines or the monarch’s favor that mattered; it was nature’s own selection.
A movie called The War of the Roses with Michel Douglas and Kathleen Turner depicted a couple who fought till the end.
(6) I hope someone is working on the concept, code, and infrastructure for taking a planetary vote right now – without becoming a cabal-subservient tech giant.