I consider this channeling from the Divine Mother to be the one item I’d take with me on a long train trip, it’s so helpful and wide-ranging.
Every sentence is a topic heading.
If we got what she’s saying here down to our bones, I’d say we’d be well equipped for whatever comes down the road thereafter. I can’t think of another message that I’d say that of.
From 2017.
The Divine Mother: Take Up Your Divine Authority
An Hour With An Angel, February 23, 2017
Linda Dillon: Channel for the Council of Love
Steve Beckow: Host, InLight Radio
Steve: Welcome, Mother.
Divine Mother: And, welcome to you. Welcome to all of you, my beloved ones upon this planet, this sweet archangel that has incarnated and assumed the form as planetary Gaia. I begin with this because I want you to conceive of the potential that each and every one of you carries.
When we first spoke of this planet being an archangel in form, of how they assumed this form of planet, ancient beings in service to the One, many of you were hesitant or dumbfounded.
But the reason we speak of this is for you to comprehend, my beloved ones, the scope, the majesty, the potential of what you are capable of. Yes, as archangels, as angels, as star seed. It matters not how you conceive of yourself, how you perceive of yourself, you are of my essence. And in that you carry the pattern of all. You carry the pattern of love which has such a myriad of faces, expressions and ways of being.
So often of late, which is one of the reasons why I have asked to step forth and speak of the Plan, so often of late I have heard your cries, your pleas, your tears in the night suggesting and telling me, pleading with me, saying that you are not sure that you can go on.
While at the same time and in the same sacred space, declaring your glee, your happiness, your joy that you know that this is the time of fulfillment and the bringing forth of your plan, of the blossoming of you, sweet one, in the larger context of my dream, my Plan, the Plan, for we do not necessarily claim ownership. In many ways, think of this Plan as this plan for this planet because the grander Plan might be too large to talk about. We will see.
But the grander plan for this planet is very simply the unfoldment of love, the re-anchoring of love as the fundamental energy and guiding principle of existence in this realm.
Now, think of what I say to you this day. When the reference point of all creation, all thinking, all feeling, all action, all interaction is love, then the harmony of One, our harmony, and yes, our sacred union, is in place.
And, while we say re-anchored, think of it in this way, because you have never been untethered from the Father and I, you have never been untethered from the love. That is not, in your realm, a possibility, and there are infinite possibilities.
So think of it in this way: that you have dropped or weighed anchor far out on a very, very stormy sea and you are but a row boat. And you have been tossed and turned and sometimes upheaval has occurred and you have had your little boat full of water and you thought you were sinking.
And, this has been the state, both individually and for humanity, for a very long time. Do not think, my beloved ones, that I am not aware of or do not care about the turmoil that you have experienced both in the immediate present, past and distant eons.
Now, what I say to you is you are taking that row boat, your beautiful sacred self, by my Plan, and let us say that the archangels are in charge of this transport, along with your star family and we are transporting this sweet little row boat to a placid little lake or an inlet in a favorite cove.
And the water is crystal clear and your anchor is simply gently upon the bottom and you bob up and down now and then, or you simply stay perfectly still. And you enjoy the peace, the beauty, the harmony of existence.
Now, I do not imply that to be in the harmony of One, which is my Plan, to be in the harmony of love, in that perfect balance of bliss and exuberance and joy, negates adventure. Quite the contrary!
I have been beckoning you. This is my Plan. I beckon you, I invite you and now I am reaching out to you. Take my hand that we may go forth in the truest adventure of the co-creation of Earth, of Gaia, of Gaians and humanity and the multiplicity of the kingdoms.
To be your creator self is the Plan. You cannot fully embody and embrace the totality of your creator self, especially in form, if you are not in alignment with the love, with the will, and even with the divine mind. That harmony necessitates creation and it is also a precursor to meaningful creation.
Now certainly humans over the many tens of thousands of years have perfected the creation of illusion, the illusion of disconnect, of betrayal, of abandonment, of abuse and control.
And that has been a journey that you have chosen collectively during that phase to follow and it has been part of my Plan that certainly this exercise of undeveloped free will would be allowed to come forth so that individually and collectively you would learn that these choices in the simplest way cause pain. And what is pain other than a feeling, an experience of separation from us. (1)
Your design, the design that I have imbued you with, is that we are connected and one. And your greatest dream and desire is to be in unity and ultimately reunification so any sense of separation is what you think of as pain. And it is true. It is genuine.
And, of course you have had many names for this: betrayal, abandonment, you know the list. And, you have internally and externally blamed others, blamed me, for this state of affairs, not wanting to assume that mature responsibility for your choices.
And all this, while not welcomed, has been allowed, until such point where my desire and your desire, individually and collectively, have re-conjoined.
This has always been the Plan. That at the point when you have turned back to the Father and I, metaphorically and actually, that what you have found is us standing right here waiting and beckoning and reaching out to you to begin this next phase. We are infinitely patient. (2)
And, yes, beloved ones, there is such a thing as divine timing. And divine timing in this instance, because that is what it is, is you turning back to us. Not because of rigidity or control or power structures. And, I do not say this as a critique of all structured religions.
But the turning back to me, to us has been direct, not because it was required, not because you have been told it was necessary, but because your heart, in the truth and the yearning of your plan within our Plan has brought this forth.
Now you say, “But we made this collective decision, Mother, in and around 2012, spiritually and physically, emotionally, in every realm.” (3) Spiritually-mature decisions also require, my beloveds, spiritually-mature preparation. (4) You have entered a phase of claiming your birthright of freedom and power, in the truest sense, to be in sacred partnership with us.
So, have we been assisting you? Yes. We have been showing you how to tie your shoes, how to bake bread, how to create Nova Earth. But we have not been tying your shoes for you or serving up your dinner because that would not empower you.
And the anchoring of your promise and the promise of this Plan is your assumption of your divine authority. I do not use these words lightly.
Divine authority, what does this mean? That you have stepped forward. You are authorized and empowered. And you are and will be given the wherewithal to proceed as your creator self, never simply as a minion, a puppet.
Often you and we have used the word “servant” which sometimes has a slightly different connotation in your understanding, because we are all servants.
Yes, beloved, I am a servant to you, to the One, to the Father, to the All. You do not conceive of me this way. And you and Michael and Raphael and St. Germaine and all beings are servants to one another and to the All. To the All of this planet and each other and to the All, if you are thinking your galaxy or a universe, the multiverse or the omniverse. It is all of a piece, child.
And because it is all of a piece, interwoven, interdependent, interconnected, there are … evolutionary steps – that is what I will call it – that are occurring upon sweet Gaia and within each of you that have far-reaching impact and consequences throughout the omniverse.
So when you hesitate – and you haven’t been hesitating, by the way – but when you hesitate or do not carry through on a soul promise, then the impact is very far reaching as well.
Now, this may feel daunting at times and that is part of the cry and the plea that I hear from many of you. Because seldom, sweet ones, are those cries for help based on selfishness or self-serving requests. The plea that I hear most often is to either come home to the reunification or to have divine intervention that you may proceed in the fulfillment of your dreams and my dreams, that you can be back in the balance, the perfect bliss of love because it is far too painful to be anywhere else.
Now, that is a very broad overview. And then you would say to me, “But Mother, we understand the progression of what we have been doing. But where is the fulfillment and what is the chaos that we now witness in so many areas and pockets of this planet?”
It is the last tantrum. It is the destruction of the illusion and the exposure on many, many fronts of what hatred and greed and abuse looks like.
Because even for those who are acting as the players in this [dark] part of the unfoldment, it is painful for a being that seeks power for themselves or power over another, whether it is a parent over a child, a husband over a wife, a man over an army. It matters not. The yearning [for], the exercise of control never gives the joy. The pain simply grows. And so the actions become more grotesque, larger, until the breakdown is and has been and will be occurring.
So, you observe this and you certainly intervene where you can and where appropriate and you send the love. But you do not engage in the process because you want, and I want, that breakdown to occur.
Do not forget the collective decided to proceed together. And that decision set a pattern and a paradigm, again far-reaching. And was that desire for the collective to come forth as one? Yes. But it was early, so you still have the capacity, dear hearts, to surprise your Mother. But also know, when I say early, I have a tendency to discuss things in much longer time frames than you do.
So I do not talk about yesterday or today. Not because I do not understand it, but simply because I know the volatility of human emotion and how things go up and down but always coming to this place of resolve.
Now, several that I have empowered, particularly Yeshua, have spoken of this as the time of fulfillment. I want you to know that resolution, resolve – using your language and understanding – is not fulfillment. Resolve is two stubborn children having a fist fight in the school yard, stopping and staring at each other with bloody noses saying, “Okay, we won’t fight anymore,” and holding that resolve because there are consequences for them to proceed any further.
Fulfillment is the glorious joy and celebration of what has always been planned not only for the planet and the kingdoms, but beloveds, for each and every one of you, that this sense of isolation or struggle does not exist. And some of you are tasting this and setting down the new paradigm. And that is my gift to you so that this new understanding, this new way of being is being anchored already upon your planet.
But the creation, yes, it is mine, but it is also yours. If the Mother sees her beloved child as an artist or an architect and says, “Here. Here are the water colors. Here are the Lego blocks. Build what is divinely beautiful. I give you my divine authority to do so. I will guide you. I will help you. But I entrust this to you as well.”
Now, I know I give you a great deal to ponder. So where do you wish to begin?
SB: I could listen to you forever, Mother, so please don’t think I am chafing at the bit here. Not at all. I did have a question for you about your comment on our assumption of our divine authority. I think I have heard enough from the Masters and the galactics and the Company of Heaven about our divine authority. But assumption of divine authority. How do we assume divine authority?
DM: A brilliant question. Because for me to confirm or reassure you that you have our divine authority and that it is part and parcel of your beloved sweet divine self in human form, from wherever you think that you hail from is one thing. The reticence … and I do not ever criticize you or chastise. There are times when I am sorrowful, not because of the unfoldment but because I know that you hurt and harm your heart, hurt and harm yourself. But there has been a huge reticence individually and collectively on the part of human beings to assume that divine authority. And of course, the first step to that is the individual assumption.
Now part of that reticence has been the very well-established abuse of authority upon your planet so that many who are of the love hesitate to step forth thinking that authority has so often meant that you are trying to coerce or tell somebody else what to do, and that you don’t want to put yourself in that role or in that position of potential conflict. But that is not what we are talking about.
You are of us, and you are fully and completely autonomous. And in this I mean that that is the gift and the trust of free will. Because free will has been so aberrant in so many ways, those of you who wish to align with love, with divinity, often will hesitate, be reticent, to assume your authority. But if you do not assume it, then who does?
Now, let me be a very practical Mother, which is not what I am known for. (Chuckles) You have assumed form, and let me say to you I have allowed you to assume form. I have chosen and created and birthed you into form. That is the Plan at work and I have done this, we have done this, with that spark of divinity so that you would be divine in form.
And what that means in very practical terms is the assumption of your divine authority to be in charge of your life, of your thoughts, of your feelings, of your actions, of your behaviors, of your steps, of your environments, all the way out to the edges of the universe, throughout all times and dimensions. But I won’t go there because that would confuse and this is me trying to be practical.
If you do not take authority over your existence – think in practical terms, this life – then what happens? You are adrift. You are in fact that row boat in the middle of the ocean being twisted and turned every which way. Divine authority means choosing – yes, with your free will and your divine authority of free will – to direct how, where, when, if you choose to proceed.
You have the most magnificent internal wisdom and knowing. That pain barometer of separation tells you when you are not in alignment with your divine self and hence with us.
There are times, and we mean moments, when the action is what you would think of as doing nothing. But of course doing nothing is always doing something because you are either disengaged or being the observer or participant observer. So there is no such thing.
It is an illusion for you to even conceive or believe or think that you are not in your divine authority every moment of your existence. Now, if you choose to ignore it, and that is what the reticence is, then you are not fulfilling your joy, your purpose, what gives you the greatest glee.
And yes, there are moments when those decisions can be challenging and difficult. But, that shows you your strength, your courage, your valor, your persistence in working your way back to us. So much of that reticence has been, “Well, I don’t want to step on anyone’s toes,” while allowing yourself to be trampled. That is not the plan.
The plan is harmonious, like a dance. Will there be missteps at times? Yes. That is when you bow to each other and chuckle. You do not go to war.
So there is this reticence, particularly upon the light worker community, because authority has been defined as dictatorial, as controlling. But, what you are truly doing is anchoring and re-anchoring, through this assumption of divine authority, the truth of what leadership, stewardship and creation and co-creation and partnership and community and unity and truth is all about. And, if you do not do it, my beloveds, who does?
Because, as the old is fading away – and trust me, it will fade away, that is a given – then there will be a vacuum if you have not stepped forward and said, “You know, there is an alternate way to be human, to live upon this planet that is kind and considerate and sharing and decent and honest and filled with laughter and sweetness.
This is a planet of such diversity and beauty and she will be pure again. That is already underway. I am not suggesting that you engage in bully fights. That is futile; it is an exercise in futility.
What I am suggesting is that you, as your creator self, in the assumption of individual and collective authority, forge a different pathway and you open that pathway for all to come with you. And we are helping you. That gateway is open and you are being flooded and you are being assisted and you will be assisted every step of the way.
SB: Mother, I just heard you say we will be assisted every step of the way and that, in fact, is at the basis of my next question.
If I go into building Nova Earth the mind, heart and will that I have now, I worry that I won’t be able to handle the challenges. Sometimes I think of myself as a battery, the kind you buy in the drugstore, just the single battery, and that I’ll be completely drained trying to do everything that needs to be accomplished in the coming years.
Can you counsel me on that? Can you give me some reassurance that I will have the needed wit and will to get this next phase of work done?
DM: Yes. First of all, you can plug your battery into me. You can ask Archangel Michael for a boost. I say this for all of you because most of you who hear me this night know what it is to be in love. And, yes, I am not talking about just the love, I am talking about head over heels, chemical, hormonal, human falling in love, and how in those initial stages you can’t do enough. You can stay up all night and talk. You can make love for hours. You can plan your entire life together. You can climb tall mountains. And there is always enough energy.
Then of course, it changes. It shifts. I use this example because that is the level of energy, when you are plugged in to what you love, that can flow as easily as the intake of breath. (5)
Think of it in this way: I am breathing into you. And in that, in that infinite breath is infinite connection and energy to go forth.
Beloveds, I do not, it is not part of my desire that you work yourself to the bone. This is a grand unfoldment, long in coming, infinitely expandable.
My original purpose was for you to be in form and to know love. That is why I have birthed you, to have the joy, the pleasure, the excitement, the experience of being in this form and of living and being love. There is no subcontract that says “and part of that is to work yourself to the bone or to an early grave.” In fact, graves were never part of that design to start with anyway.
You do not do this alone. Yes, you all have unique and beautiful talents and abilities and authorities and roles. And, there is not one role that is not immensely significant. Every single piece is critical.
But what that also means is you have to allow others of like heart, like mind, like vision, to participate. Not to… listen to what I say… not to help you, but to participate, so that it is a co-creation.
Will there be lively discussion on what is the best pathway? [Yes.] And is that not sheer delight to have the latitude to have this discussion? So others participate each in their own way. Because you have not seen the example, truly in many places, of what it means to work in co-creative partnership, most of your structures, institutions, etc., have been top-down authority, dictatorial. That is not the way we operate.
You say, “Well, how can we have thousands of people participating in a single undertaking?” And I say to you, “How can you not?”
There are billions coming into entrainment with the love. Will you bump up against each other? Yes, you might. And that will simply mean meeting a long lost friend. You will have the energy.
I want to emphasize to you what you have thought of as work has need to be joy. And in that joy is what you think of as tasks, whether it is sweeping the floor or running a foundation.
But, equally important is watching the colors of the sky shift and sitting with a friend breaking bread, prayer and meditation, simplicity. If they miss [i.e., want] a watchword, keep bringing it back to simplicity.
You have a tendency to think things, and I mean all of you, are incredibly complex. Dear hearts! You have no idea. But in fact it is very simple. Is this love? When I am about to have this conversation or implement this structure or undertake this task, does it feel like love? Does it make my heart sing? Is this something I want to do? And, if the answer is yes, then you are in your divine authority.
And if it is no, reconsider. Talk to me. I am always with you. I have always been.
SB: Well, we’re nearing the end of the show, Mother. Is there anything you’d like to say in closing?
DM: Yes. I go full circle and I reach out to those of you, my beloved children, who are bereft or uncertain or feel that you don’t know which way to turn. Turn to me. Allow us – for I have many who assist – to put in place with and for you that which you need, that which makes your heart come to a place of balance and peace.
Go with my love, sweet ones. Farewell.
Channeled by Linda Dillon
© 2017 Council of Love, Inc.
This channeled material is protected by copyright. We invite you to share it on condition that it is used in its entirety, that no alteration is made, that it is free of charge, and that the copyright notice, channel credit, website link, and this statement are posted.
(1) ” And what is pain other than a feeling, an experience of separation from us.” Since Mother/Father One is only love, if we substitute “love” for us,” then what is pain but a separation from love?
(2) Is this not the parable of the prodigal child?
(3) To have as many inhabitants of Planet Earth ascend at the same time as possible, rather than the few who would have ascended if the culmination of Ascension (Sahaja Samadhi) happened in 2012.
(4) Carrying out our wish to take with us as many as possible has now slowed the Ascension process down and requires more preparation than the other option would have. That calls on us for patience and understanding.
(5) Higher-dimensional, transformative love renews everything it touches and keeps it renewed for as long as that love flows.