Narendra Mishra had a reading with Linda Dillon in which Sri Krishna and the Divine Mother came through.
Never mind the honor of speaking to the Divine Mother, I don’t think I’ve ever heard of a conversation with Sri Krishna.
I’m waiting for his transcript, tapping my fingers on the desk.
It raises an important point that I actually never tire of repeating, on conserving the historical record of this unprecedented period.
Let’s take this as an example. There are many lightworkers who, like Narendra, have had a reading with Linda and may even have a transcript.
Leaving aside material of a strictly personal nature, although that also is historically valuable, these readings constitute a vast library of important information on all the events that are happening in this run up to Ascension.
I invite people to send their transcripts in (or portions of them), not only to be posted (in part) on the blog but to go into the First Contact database.
I say “in part” because I won’t agree to post a transcript on a use-it-all-or-nothing basis. I say ahead of time that I reserve the right to use editorial discretion to eliminate that which is uniquely personal and post only that which is of lightworker-wide concern. Just fyi.
Think a century down the road: Your readings and other lightworker documents will be of significant historical value to other civilizations wanting to know how things developed in this first mass, physical Ascension – ever.
To give you an example of my efforts to keep the historical record: I’m not throwing out any of my old computers or their back-up drives. That way historians in the future can access my documents as long as there’s electricity. Warts and all.
I encourage you to develop an historical outlook on what’s actually happening as well, because what’s actually happening is beyond what we think of as historical. It’s unprecedented. And you and I are playing a role in it and will play even larger roles some time in the not-so-distant future.
Well, we talked about accepting Michael’s invitation from long ago to be lightworker leaders. It began:
“If no [lightworker] steps forward into [leadership] then there is a massive vacuum because many of the billions upon your planet have not yet learned, adapted and integrated the new tools – the fullness of this new energy….” (1)
If we’re to provide the leadership, our historical records have value.
Conserve the record. Your historical record.
Hold on to documents that reflect the times, that set out the dominant memes and themes, our worries, hopes, and fears.
This event has never happened before. No path lies out before us. We’ll create our path to a world that works.
Whatever we can save will one day be extremely valuable to reconstruct events and improve on the Ascension process, not just for Gaians or even this galaxy alone, but for scores of galaxies beyond.
(1) Archangel Michael, “Lead or Leave a Vacuum,”