Mira the Pleiadian and SaLuSa the Sirian tell us of the efforts of our star family to keep intruders away from Earth and prevent the spread of weapons to space.
“A Message from Mira of the Pleiadian High Council,” channelled by Valerie Donner. October 9, 2014, at https://www.thegroundcrew.com/channeled_messages.htm#message.
“You know that we monitor all conditions on the planet. We focus our energies where they are most needed. We are extremely busy right now and have called in additional help. We are employed where there are wars and fighting.
“We would end all conflict on the planet if this would be allowed. We cannot do this since humanity created this discordance [and] must learn its lessons to make the necessary changes.
“If necessary and things become so unstable that they are a threat to the survival of the Earth, drastic measures will be taken. We have put various perpetrators on notice. We work with various beings all around the planet. We know what is going on and we are aware of their devious plans.”
SaLuSa, Aug. 29, 2014, at https://www.treeofthegoldenlight.com/First_Contact/Channeled_Messages_by_Mike_Quinsey.htm.
“You are beginning to understand that many souls not only accompany you on your journey, but also play an active part in ensuring you safely complete it. The Universe is teeming with life and but for the protective barrier that encases your Earth, you would by now have openly met with many other civilisations.
“We also police your Solar System to keep out intruders and other Beings who are curious about your existence. In fact many still monitor your activities as your presence is attracting a lot of attention. As far as possible we have kept other Beings away from Earth, so as not to allow interfere with your evolution. Those that are allowed to contact you are karmically involved with you and are largely responsible for assisting you through different stages of your cycle.”
SaLuSa, ibid., December 5, 2014.
“As always, part of our mission is to patrol your skies to ensure that there are no uninvited visitors, or attempts made to place weapons in Space that could be used against you. Your Earth has been in quarantine for many years, so as to ensure that no other civilisations can influence you or interfere with your progress.
“Sometimes it has been necessary to allow an approach to be made, but only to test your reactions. It has helped your understanding of the Universe and other life forms that exist all over it.
“Where your sightings of our craft are concerned, unless you are able to identify the different sources that they come from it can be confusing. Your dark Ones are now so advanced in being able to design and manufacture craft similar to ours, that apart from the markings that appear on some of them, they can look very much alike.
“This can also lead to incidents that are thought to be caused by ET’s, when it is your own black operations at work. We know that not for the first time their thoughts have turned to creating an incident that could be blamed on us.”