From two sources (a galactic commander and the Divine Mother), the Company of Heaven has released word of an initiative that the galactics will be taking, which they’re calling “the Delegations.”
It’ll take two more posts to convey entirely what’s been discussed.
Rather than going through government, “where the power plays and the abuse of authority have been rampant,” the galactics will be meeting on Earth with selected delegations of terrestrials.
These will then become ambassadors or intermediaries for the galactic presence.
The delegations have been or are going to be very carefully decided. It isn’t a matter of volunteering.
It was first announced by Commander Plaed’or of UFOG (United Forces of the Outer Galaxies) in a reading with an anonymous lightworker through Linda Dillon. In this first part of the series, let me report what he said; then go to the Divine Mother:
Excerpt from “Belle’Anna & Plaed’or: Readiness of the Human Race to Embrace Star Family,” Council of, undated, at httpss://
We do not want to engage in any kind of hierarchical configuration. That is why, in terms of shall we say, the Delegations, that the Plan is not to go through hierarchical governments or governance where the power plays and the abuse of authority has been rampant.
That is why we have selected people on planet who have the balance and the authority and the wisdom – and the heart, the love – to truly work with us on an equal footing. Perhaps not an equal footing of knowledge – and when I say ‘knowledge’ I mean let us just put it in the basket of science, etc. – but it is the heart knowledge, it is the heart willingness, it is the heart openness.
And so this has actually been very clearly lined up not for some distant future but for the very, very, very near future.
Now I am not wanting to tread and give way to the [chuckling] … classified information, shall we say, from the Intergalactic Council. The reason that I am speaking of this is that even as I am talking to you – you are an enormous filter and transmitter – so as I am speaking to you, it is also being transmitted out to the entire planet saying that we are ready.
Let’s listen tomorrow to what the Divine Mother and Archangel Michael told me further on the subject.
(Continued in Part 2, tomorrow.)