A Message from Mira from the Pleiadian High Council through Valerie Donner, April 4, 2019
Greetings, I am Mira from the Pleiadian High Council. I am still present with the Earth Council assisting the planet with the ascension process.
We understand that your nerves are being frayed and your consciousness is getting overwhelmed. There is too much information and dis-information for the human brain to process. This is part of the chaos of ascension. It is called playing the game of scramble (not Scrabble). Technology has taken over in a way that can keep one suspended in the matrix.
Do not let this stop you from doing what must be done. Stay directly on your path. Listen to what you choose but turn up your discernment. There is much to read between the lines and lips of those speaking. It is too easy to be swayed one way or the other. It is all a game that will end with the truth.
The dark ways are burning up the wires with deceit. Let it be. Let them spark the fires of their wrong doings and reap the karma that they are creating.
It will not be pretty. When certain beings go about trying to hurt others, especially those of the light, they actually intensify their karma. Hurting others is a double edged sword. For them it will be a smoke filled world and they will be in that world for eons.
Please know that we are busy working behind the scenes to intervene when possible to prevent the most serious damage. Just because there are dark intentions does not mean that those plans will be implemented.
You are loved and watched over by the light. We are capable of offsetting the worst-laid plans of those who would harm the Earth and humanity. Stay aware and do not let your self get caught up in that energy.
Technology is running rampant and the human egos involved have almost gone past the point of no return. Remember what happened to Atlantis? You are here to shift the errors of the past and return the Earth to the beauty that she was intended to be.
Please remember to take deep breaths and breathe with the Earth. This will help bring some peace to many. The world needs peace. The other energies will not be successful. Greed and service to self will fall by the way. This is the time for the Golden Age. Breathe in those energies and help create the New Earth.
I am Mira, with love from the Pleiadian High Council.