Stop me if you see me using memes. Or slogans or tropes.
Why do I not want to use them?
Well, for one thing, they divide people rather than unite – usually around a common “enemy.” They therefore invite conflict. They perpetuate polar attitudes and jockeying for position. They keep people apart.
They assume a zero-sum view of society and economy – that for everyone who wins, there must be someone who loses. Memes are win/lose, rather than win/win.
Behind this is the idea that abundance for all is not possible. Resources are scarce, the prevailing meme of Business Darwinism goes, and only the nimble (strong, sagacious, courageous) will obtain them and survive.
Where we used to wave flags, we now float memes. But the same whipping into a frenzy is relied upon. A frenzy makes a mob and a mob surrenders discernment for group power. Doesn’t matter if it’s the French Revolution or Twitter.
In my view, peace is only to be found in the middle, in the center, in balance, in the heart. It isn’t found on the extremes. They have different gifts to offer; just not peace.
Peace is what I want and so I shy away from using memes.