Thank you, Mary, for your wonderful post.
Dear Steve,
I read GAOG every day and gain something I value each time. Today, Narendra Mishra’s article clarified some things for me.
Actually, I feel blessed by all the articles for today!
I’m sending you a short article I wrote for my church publication I do a couple of times a month because it expresses my agreement with Janneke’s learnings about life.
Acceptance and surrender as opposed to resistance play a big role in my life and brings blessings I might never have received (or perhaps perceived is more accurate) otherwise.
Love, Joy and Blessings to you!
Central Heart Beat
February 18, 2019
Mary Berry, Editor
Editor’s Column
Saying Yes to Life
When we choose to accept life as it comes, in whatever form it shows itself, we’re saying “yes” to life.
Trust is a large part of making that choice. We trust that it’s all good.
We trust that God lives in us, that our “yes” is a sign that we know we’re deeply loved, no matter what.
It says that acceptance brings newness and that change isn’t always a bad thing.
We recognize that God has something new in mind.
All of this is ours when we can say “yes” to life!
In my case, I find that sometimes “yes” comes right away and at other times it’s a slow process.
I’ve been known to drag my feet, kicking and screaming all the way to “yes!”
That’s called resistance.
In those cases, it’s usually because I have to go through a grief process first.
I wish you the trust and inner knowledge that it’s all good.
I wish you a life full of the joy and alive peace that comes from saying “yes” to life!
“When we accept what happens to us
and make the best of it, we are praising God.”
~ St. Teresa of Avila