Align with heart consciousness and discovery of sacred purpose naturally occurs.
Daily Divine Inspiration urges us to transform.
With allowance and acceptance of the old feelings, we master our ability to observe, honouring the old ways not of love for the experiences, expressions, and their lessons.
I receive, I allow, I accept, I give, I Am Gratitude
Forgiveness, compassion, gratitude, and all the Divine Qualities is Who We Are.
Giving and receiving peace, Love, and outrageous joy for our entire journey, for all the lessons, creates balance.
As within, so without,
peace, Love, joy within/peace, Love, joy without
Nova Being, Nova Earth
is our ability to RECEIVE the Mother’s Peace,
Her Forgiveness of Everything and us to forGIVE everything.
I invoke Her Infinite Grace, to be Her Reflection,
Her Love, Her Compassion , Her Joy,
in gratitude for life purpose.
I Am Gratitude
for all the lessons of this incredible journey.
I invoke the Universal Law of Transformation
to give and receive peace,
Love, and joy in balance.