Steve is away on a retreat from Sept. 14-19.
We repost a number of our favorite articles on spirituality and financial wayshowing.
After the Reval, two pitfalls we’ll need to watch out for are the return of the constructed self and an explosion in a sense of entitlement. Here we look at the former; in the next post, we look at the latter.
One of the unintended consequences of the Reval, when it comes, is that we may see the temporary re-emergence of the constructed self.
The constructed self is the character or mask we build as a result and consequence of our vasanas, core issues and false grids.
We fashion a representation of ourselves that’s designed to stand in for the real us, create an impression in others and get us what we want in any one situation.
We’ve been doing a great deal of personal cleansing for probably years.
But when we feel our situation change in a really dramatic and freeing way, such as with the arrival of a modicum of prosperity, feelings that we’ve submerged for years as a result of oppressive or suppressive relationships, whether in the family, at work or in some other venue, may rise to the surface and surprise us with their tendency to send us along paths that we may later regret.
We may suddenly find ourselves in a position where we don’t feel we need to “take that kind of treatment any more.” We may see feelings of irritation or arrogance arise in us. We may treat other people poorly. We may feel the desire to “wipe the dust from our feet” and “get outta here.”
That isn’t to say that some people may not leave relationships that haven’t worked and are considered unsalvageable. But it is to say, assess how much comes from the constructed self and how much comes from a much deeper, more balanced and wiser place.
If we’re looking for a social example of the rise of the constructed self occurring in a situation of new-found freedom, perhaps consider the French Revolution. When the people won their freedom after the fall of the Bastille, they turned on the nobility and guillotined them in a Reign of Terror that only ended when the leaders of the Revolution were themselves guillotined or in other ways assassinated.
I’m not saying that any of us would engage in such violence, but you can see some lightworkers calling for vengeance against our former leaders and asking for penalties like mass arrests as we watch the old order crumble. It may be that their constructed selves are asserting themselves at this time.
My own sense of the matter is that we’ll have to exercise tremendous vigilance in the first moments of release after the Reval so as not to revenge ourselves on our perceived oppressors, leave personal relationships, terminate work partnerships, and in other ways visit tremendous hardship on others. The temptation to read others out of our lives may be very great.
What to do about such a potential situation? Again the answer is the same here, I think, as it was for us in cleansing ourselves of our vasanas. Jesus spoke of three ways of managing ourselves in situations like these. (1) The first way is to project our anger onto others (and I’ve done that in my life). The second is to suppress ourselves. And the third is to watch what emerges in us, not act upon it, but observe it from a point of neutrality until it passes away.
I have to make a subtle distinction here about awareness. It does work for us to observe from a place of neutrality. But that isn’t to say that awareness itself is neutral. It isn’t. As Jesus said, “awareness transforms.” (2) Plain, bare awareness causes the knots in our character to unravel. And when the knot unravels, it releases us from the troubling emotions that come along with the knot.
Projection energizes a vasana. Suppression solidifies it. Both cause its persistence. Only resting in bare awareness of it causes its release and transmutation. We’ve been doing this with our vasanas. Now we may feel called upon to do this with our masks or constructed selves.
So when the Reval comes, perhaps be aware that it may result in the release of some long-suppressed feelings of anger, desires for “getting even,” explosions of unwillingness to “take this any longer.” And consider whether you want to begin this next chapter of our lives crerating the same residue that we have on so many other occasions.
We’re entering a higher dimension where feelings like hatred and vengefulness have no place. We cannot enter it by laying waste to the old. AAM has said many times that we cannot leave the old 3D unless we love it.
The Reval is designed to lift our burdens from us so that we can begin the work of creating Nova Earth. It isn’t designed to have us wipe the dust of the world from our feet and go on a destructive rampage in our lives. Or go on a year-long vacation from the world.
But it’ll take a high degree of self-awareness for us to avoid taking this wonderfully-freeing event and using it simply to create more chaos and karma.
(1) “Jeshua via Pamela Kribbe: The Third Way” at
(2) Loc. cit.
For more on the constructed self, see:
- Deconstructing “Me,” Removing the Masks
- Archangel Michael on the Constructed Self and the New Normal
- Tectonic Vasanas, Core Issues and the Constructed Self
- The Constructed Self vs. the Shadow Self
- Waking Up is Hard to Do
- The Gawkiness of the Constructed Self
- Neither a Jukebox nor a Living Fossil
- Responsible for Our Own Face
- Job One
- Entertaining the Counterintuitive
- A Time of Emergence
- Social Maturity is the New Baseline
- Spiritual Maturity and the Divine Qualities
- The Challenge of the Time
- Just When We Thought It Was Safe to Go Back in the Water: Weathering the Emotional Storm