Credit: tarbeyah.wordpress.com
I said in an earlier article that the mind works by dominating others. A mind that works to disempower others disempowers itself.
If I’m right, then it’d come as no surprise to say that such a mind, when it looks at society, sees a dismal picture, reflective of its own dismal condition.
It thinks from a condition of lack, limitation and scarcity. It considers world conditions like hunger, poverty, and homelessness as inevitable. And it believes that there are and can be no solutions to the world’s difficulties. The mind offers no hope to those who wish to build a new Earth.
The mind is simply too small, too timid, and too self-absorbed to tackle a game as large as building Nova Earth.
Only the heart has the juice, the power, the energy to penetrate through the mind’s view of things. The heart does not experience lack, limitation or scarcity. The heart does not consider hunger, poverty, and homelessness as inevitable. The heart considers that there are infinite solutions to all of these problems, simply awaiting the collective will to eradicate them.
The heart is large enough, courageous enough, and selflessly-loving enough to tackle a game as big as building Nova Earth.
Many lightworkers will come into wealth without being in touch with the heart, without feeling love flowing, etc. They may not really feel the reality of having no lack, no inevitability, and endless solutions. How are they to make the leap from the old paradigm of service to self to the new paradigm of service to others?
In circumstances like these, they may need interim measures. I suggest a two-fold interim path: Let me borrow terms from spirituality and call one the via positiva and the other the via negativa. I’m giving the positive and negative paths new meanings.
My version of the via positiva is the road of following on faith the teachings of the ascended masters, celestials and galactics, that cultivating the divine qualities is the way to go until we feel the open flow of love. We follow the guidelines until our hearts break open and we need the guidelines no longer. On the positive path, we’re cultivating something, taking positive action.
A second path is the via negativa, where we cause our issues (our “vasanas”) to disappear by either processing them or else using any of the plethora of techniques that are being suggested these days for that purpose. The elimination of issues is an act of negation. It works to unveil our deeper Self that was always, already there and hidden by the debris of our decisions in life.
So emulate the divine qualities and eliminate the issues. As long as we’re not carried along to generosity and integrity by the open flow of love within us, this is the way of being I recommend and I especially recommend it to financial wayshowers. In fact I urge it.
When the Reval hits, we’re going to lose some lightworkers. Archangel Michael has cautioned me in a personal reading Dec. 11, 2013: “Humans have a tendency to change with incredible abundance.”
“What you are going to see, and this is something I have talked about, but not truly addresssed, and it is one of the issues – vasanas, yes, but also [false] grids – that have delayed the RV time and time again, not simply within your group, obviously, but globally. …
“We are very aware of human history and how people have a tendency, even with the purest of hearts, to shift and perhaps even go a little crazy.” (1)
That numbers of lightworkers would fall away was not something I thought was possible but I’m coming to see that I need to brace myself for the possibility. Our numbers will shrink again.
Meanwhile the Company of Heaven has said that they’ll be watching us to see who uses money well and who does not, who shows up for work Monday morning and who does not. (Holidays are OK.) AAM said on this subject:
“Simply know that, where there [will be] gaps and holes [in the ranks of lightworkers who leave with their money], we are waiting to see how the shift is affecting the collective of humanity and the collective of the various foundations and groups.
“So stand back. Be the observer. See the unfoldment as it occurs. … Simply [know] that you and we are putting people where they need to be.” (2)
There may be a continual winnowing down. Many people may count themselves out, going to live in a mansion in Monaco or such like, and leaving the spiritual gene pool for good.
But eventually we’ll hit a core of dedicated lightworkers, committed financial wayshowers. What will they be like?
I believe they’ll actually be feeling and expressing love and, in the fulness of that feeling, they’ll open their arms (prudently) to anyone in genuine need.
They’ll be content to be moving forward, however it’s accomplished. Any way that works will be followed. No one will want or seek credit. They’ll just want the result.
They’ll eat, drink, and sleep a world that works. They’ll see it as an extension, a univeralizing of their own individual love.
They’ll see that a world working proceeds from each being attaining workability within themselves and then another and then another until a breakthrough occurs. They’ll know that a critical mass in workability is what’s needed, not a total conversion.
Only those who can and do hold that vision will be left after a while. And this will be the core of the ground crew going forward.
(1) Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Dec. 11, 2013.
(2) Loc. cit.