The time when stress – eustress and distress – is highest is exactly the time when we could use some guidance from the celestials.
The Reval being upon us, here’s some advice from Archangel Michael on what to do next. Hint? Stand still.
On Having a Wild Celebration after the Reval
AAM: It’s time for incredible discernment. It’s not discerning to go to a venue and make public displays. It would not be wise. (“Archangel Michael: You are Not Crazy,” June 6, 2015, at
On Dealing with the Impact of Sudden Wealth
Steve Beckow: Any advice you can give me and other lightworkers on how to deal with the impact of suddenly finding your financial worries are over, you can live the life you wanted to live, etc.?
Archangel Michael: Do not be precipitous. Stand still. Now that may sound like very amateurish advice. It is one of the most difficult things for human beings to do.
Go to the stillness. Do not feel the immediate necessity, which is an invention of your imagination and ego, to jump into action.
Give yourself the opportunity to breathe, to allow this shift in reality, in what you have described as your personal landscape, to sink in. Yes, there is an entire world waiting to be rebuilt and it is not achieved if you jump the gun. It is not achieved if you are going full steam ahead and then collapse because of stress.
Stress is a physical reality. It is not you simply creating drama. It is a bio-physical, electrical, spiritual reality. Give yourself a time to breathe, to withdraw if necessary, to scan the environment, to enjoy yourself, to celebrate. And then in a sense of, “no hurry”, go forward.
You have need to make sure, that you take care of your sweet physical self. Yes, there are the challenges; new home, new situation, and time out.
But do the practical things that I recommend as well. Bodywork, massage, cranial-sacral, relaxation, cycling, working out, and eating properly … now this is going to be a challenge … sleeping.
Steve: Oh, is that a challenge!
AAM: All of these very basic human necessities will have need to be addressed. If you are exhausted, if you are running on caffeine and adrenaline, you do not come from a place of compassionate wisdom.
And, dearest, that is what we do!
The compassionate wisdom requires that you take care of the physical vessel that you have designed with us.
So step number one is pay attention.
Steve: That makes perfect sense. When stress goes up; awareness goes down. So the very time you need awareness, discernment, memory, vocabulary and all the rest of it, your ability to access it all goes down.
AAM: That is correct.
Steve: We are least well-equipped at the very moment when we need to be the best equipped.
AAM: That is why attention to the de-stressors that you know of, such as meditation, such as bodywork, such as fresh air and sunshine have need to be paid attention to.
It has need to be, and I say this very strongly, a requirement not only for you, my beloved friend, but for your entire organization. Working endless hours under stress to think that you are completing a mission is not completing your mission!
If you are not taking time for joy, for laughter, for love, then you are not completing your mission.
Steve: Whew! Thank you very much. Anything else you want to say before we leave that?
AAM: Take the time to engage in the laughter. Engage in the glee and the sense of, “Our diligence has paid off; we are not insane, we are not crazy but we have full permission to act a little crazy for a while.”
Go play! (“Archangel Michael: You are Not Crazy,” June 6, 2015, at
On Taking a Week Off
Steve: The Reval when it comes, I’m just trying to visualize.… I imagine when it comes I’ll go right through the roof, thinking, “What has just happened?” The change in my life, everything of that sort.
You’ve told me not to panic. You’ve told me to stand still. You’ve told me to take one step at a time and go slowly and so has the Mother. Also to do it in joy. Can you talk to me some more about the beginning of the Reval?
I’ll have to enlist my personal assistant. I’ll be looking to get a personnel consultant on board and get an accountant. Can you talk to me some more about the transition from this phase of life to that phase of life?
AAM: First things first. As soon as this has occurred, we want you to take an entire week off.
Steve: Is that like in seclusion. Is that what you mean? Or play?
AAM: Play, walking, seclusion, camaraderie. But the most important thing you will do is simply breathe. Because your world, as you know it, will have shifted.
So it is not to hire people. It is not to find a new place to live. It is not to engage everybody. It is just to breathe and from that place of centered, anchored breathing, then to proceed.
And to have your personal assistant is the first thing. So that you can delegate, delegate, delegate, delegate and then delegate some more.
Steve: Gosh, any ideas of who that might be? Could you bring that person to me because I don’t have any ideas of someone.
AAM: We will bring that person to you.
Steve: So, the first thing that I’ll do is to hire a personal assistant to take the weight from me.
AAM: That is correct.
Steve: I know I’m going to be a source person but I’m not going to be an administrator.
AAM: That is correct.
Steve: Because there just can be so many projects and so many things to do.
AAM: You cannot do it and it is not the intention that you do it. (Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Aug. 21, 2015.)