In the course of looking at the subject of raising our vibration, Kathleen came across material that called it a matter of physics. That was a new way of looking at things, for me.
It whetted my appetite and I went looking for material on how “the laws of physics that govern life,” as Matthew Ward calls them, (1) work and how far they apply. How do they affect vibration?
What follows is an overview of what’s said, put together to help me understand the subject better.
I’ve restricted myself to Matthew’s messages because he addresses the subject in most detail. I also find that, whenever I read Matthew, I’m rewarded.
The laws of physics don’t just govern matters on Earth, Matthew tells us.
“The laws of physics, in your world, … govern not only Earth energy usage and cause and effect, but cosmos-wide.” (2)
“Earth energy usage and cause and effect”: So those are the two areas of life where “the laws of physics” come into play.
Let’s look first at some of the ways energy works, according to the laws of physics. He raises the subject in the course of commenting on the usefulness of petitions in one article:
“Now then, a word about petitions. The energy you put forth in reading and signing those for causes you deem worthy not only increases their effectiveness, but the laws of physics that govern life in this universe intensify that energy and direct it wherever on Earth light is needed. Please continue to sign petitions!” (3)
Now those are not quite the laws of physics that we’re used to. Or if it is, we remain unaware of them.
What might make following Matthew easier is to change our view entirely of the materiality, the physicality of the dimensions.
Usually, these days, people speak about the “material plane” or the “physical dimension” as if the Third Dimension was the only one that’s material or physical.
Not in my view. In my view, the physical dimensions encompass all twelve; only the Transcendental is beyond the physical.
All of them feature some form of matter, mater, Mother, more and more refined as we go higher in dimension. That which is not material is the Father, not the next dimension up.
Therefore it could be said that there are laws of physics for every dimension up to and including the Twelvth. They will differ according to what the vibrational level makes possible.
To return to Matthew, he’s just told us that the energy generated by participating in worthy causes like petitions is intensified and used wherever needed, according to the laws of physics that govern life.
If we send forth the energy of love, he says, love is what we get in return; hostility, hostility is what we get. It’s strictly science. (Ah, but spiritual science, a multi-dimensional science, even if physical.)
He offers an example of these new laws of physics, which we’d recognize as the universal Law of Attraction:
“Through the laws of physics that govern life in this world, low vibrations manifest more of themselves: They shoot out into the universal soup and bring back to you more of the very same kinds of vibrations.
“The same laws apply to the high vibrations of compassion and love, of course, and in far greater measure because the light in those emotions is so much more powerful than the negativity in low vibrations.” (4)
We might recognize the Third-Dimensional correlate as, perhaps, magnetism. (I’m not trying to pretend I know about physics. I don’t.)
He goes out of his way to emphasize that attracting back what we send out is just a matter of science. But science that hasn’t yet been accepted by our scientists as even existing – multi-dimensional science.
“That isn’t just an idea that can help you feel more at ease; it is science. Everything comes from—and is—energy, which is neutral, impartial and has no reasoning ability.
“Without the capacity to differentiate ‘good’ from ‘bad,’ energy simply follows the instructions you give it via your thoughts and feelings.
“That is where physics’ law of attraction, or like attracts like, comes in. Send forth the energy of love’s high vibrations and scientifically you reap the grand harvest from what you have sown.” (5)
What you sew you reap is, therefore, strictly science. Not even metaphysics. Just plain physics.
In looking at the way attraction works, he brings cause and effect into our discussion.
Elsewhere he returns to the subject. He not only explains cause and effect but he gives us a piece of advice in light of it.
“Through the physics that governs life in this universe, energy generated anywhere shoots out into space, attracts and attaches itself to the nearest similar energy and, like a boomerang, returns with that reinforcement.
“Because Earth’s streamers at duality’s negative end are being sent out in abundance, they are attracting and bringing back exactly what they sent out. This immutable law of attraction is why your world still is steeped in turmoil.
“And this is why we have urged you to focus on what you want in your lives and your world! The many who are preoccupied with thinking about what they don’t want and their anxiety, discouragement, anger, sorrow and impatience about those situations are creating more of them in their personal lives and the world. Those kinds of thoughts and feelings are fraught with the negativity that prolongs the situations that they want ended!” (6)
The laws of physics apparently operate on our relationships as well. He stays with the Law of Attraction – which we’re probably most familiar with – but he could have referred to others.
“The ‘like attracts like’ law of physics also connects persons who are kindred spirits energetically. Relationships – in families, workplaces, community activities or national organizations – that are based on that foundation will endure; those that are not, won’t.
“With the understanding that the goal of all souls is to grow in spiritual and conscious awareness, there can be amiable agreement when parting ways offers opportunities for that advancement.” (7)
Matthew uses the laws of physics to predict that war will cease. As we ascend, nothing negative can survive in the more refined vibrations, Matthew says. Therefore, as we ascend, wars will end.
“Wars, violence, deception, oppression and media censorship will cease incrementally as the dark hearts and minds among you leave the planet.
“It can be no other way—simply, this is the physics that governs life in this universe. As Earth continues apace into successively higher planes, nothing with low vibrations in any form—physical bodies, subversive plans, theft, dishonesty, unjust laws and imprisonment, bigotry, cruel customs and deeds—can survive.” (8)
(To be concluded in Part 2, tomorrow.)
(1) Matthew’s Message, Nov. 14, 2014, at
(2) Ibid. Oct. 30, 1997.
(3) Ibid., June 8, 2018.
(4) Ibid., Sept. 9, 2011.
(5) Loc. cit.
(6) Ibid., Sept. 9, 2011.
(7) Ibid., Oct. 21, 2012.
(8) Ibid., Mar. 1, 2012.